





swish (比較級 swisher more swish最高級 swishest most swish)

  1. (英國口語) 精緻的,時尚
    This restaurant looks very swish — it even has linen tablecloths.
    • 2020 6月 3, Howard Johnston, 「Regional News: Cambridge」, 出自 Rail,頁號 23:
      All the shabby railway buildings in front of the station concourse have either been removed or transformed into a shopping complex and swish homes.
  2. 好看的,別致的,優雅
    • 2004, 「Ladyflash」, 出自 Thunder, Lightning, Strike, 演出者 The Go! Team:
      When the boys go swish, they always score
    • 2014 10月 18, Paul Doyle, 「Southampton hammer eight past hapless Sunderland in barmy encounter」, 出自 The Guardian:
      The Saints, who started the day third in the table, went marching on thanks to their own swish play and some staggering defending by the visitors.
  3. 女子氣


swish (可數 不可數,複數 swishes)

  1. (常指物體摩擦時發出的)嘎吱
  2. (物體快速拂過空氣時發出的)嗖聲
  3. (液體在容器中流動發出的)聲音
  4. (用來鞭打人的)鞭子
  5. (籃球) 空心球空氣球 不碰籃筐、籃板的進球
  6. (俚語) 女子氣同性戀
    • 1992, Leigh W. Rutledge, The gay decades: from Stonewall to the present:
      "Fairies, nances, swishes, fags, lezzes — call 'em what you please — should of course be permitted to earn honest livings []
  7. (俚語) 女子氣娘炮
    He got a little swish downriver.
  8. (不可數加拿大prison slang) 臨時發酵粗製成的



swish (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 swishes,現在分詞 swishing,一般過去時及過去分詞 swished)

  1. 發出沙沙聲
    The cane swishes.
    • 1922, A. M. Chisholm, A Thousand a Plate:
      In the stern of the low-laden canoe his paddle swished steadily and powerfully, with thrust of straight, stiff upper arm backed by a twisting swing of the body from the waist, and with every stroke the little craft leaped as if a giant hand had shoved her forward.
  2. (及物) 嗖嗖地揮舞
    to swish a cane back and forth
  3. (及物俚語過時) 鞭打
    • 1906, Oscar Wilde, The Canterville Ghost:
      After Virginia came the twins, who were usually called "the Star and Stripes", as they were always getting swished.
    • c. 1842, William Makepeace Thackeray, Character Sketches
      Doctor Wordsworth and assistants would swish that error out of him in a way that need not here be mentioned.
  4. (籃球) 投空心球
  5. (gay slang) 舉止娘娘腔
    I shall not swish; I'll merely act limp-wristed.
  6. (及物) 使...流動
    Swish the mouthwash around the mouth and between the teeth for one minute.




  1. 模仿快速拂過空氣時發出的聲音
    • 1898, H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, London: William Heinemann,頁號 84:
      "Just like parade it had been a minute before then stumble, bang, swish! Wiped out!" he said.