


该模板用来显示 日语条目中的汉字。它使用 Module:kanjitab



  1. 仅包含汉字连结的传统模式。该模板可以自动识别条目中的汉字,因此只需输入 {{Ja-kanjitab}}
  2. 显示汉字及其读音的新模式。

无论哪种情况,请将模板 {{Ja-kanjitab}} 放在词源部分的顶部。这会在右边创建一个表格。




注意:如果没有其他词源文本,请勿将 {{Ja-kanjitab}} 模板放在标题===詞源=== 后(这将创建一个明显空白的部分),而是放在 ==Japanese== 标题后。

如何用 kanjitab 标记汉字的读法

用竖线分隔不同汉字的假名。例如,元気(げんき) (genki)可以用 {{ja-kanjitab|げん|き}} (とー) (ちょー) (tōchō)可以用 {{ryu-kanjitab|とー|ちょー}}。 如果假名用于表示多个汉字,例如(しろ)海豚(いるか) (shiroiruka),应该用 {{ja-kanjitab|しろ|いるか2}}

What about a word like (はっ)(ぴょう) (happyō)? The original readings of those kanji are はつ (hatsu) and ひょう (hyō), so those go in between the pipes. They are the modern readings before sound changes such as rendaku or sokuon. (The actual readings can be specified in k1, k2, k3, etc.--see below.) That is, they are the readings of the individual kanji as they appear on the pages of the respective kanji, not as they are read in that particular word (if they differ.)

Historical readings, such as the former pronunciations きやう (kyau) and くゐやう (kwyau) for that developed into the modern pronunciation きょう (kyō) through onbin ((おん)便(びん)), are not meant to be included in the template.


  • k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7 可选
    如果汉字的发音发生声音变化,请在 k1 中输入第一个汉字更改后的发音,在 k2 中输入第二个汉字更改后的发音,以此类推。When k1, k2, etc. are defined, it uses those in place of the even unnamed parameters (the readings before sound changes) to create the sort key when sort is omitted.
For 発表(はっぴょう) (happyō), k1=はっ and k2=ぴょう. The whole thing is {{ja-kanjitab|はつ|ひょう|k1=はっ|k2=ぴょう|yomi=on}}.
For 大和 (やまとぅ) (ちゅ) (yamatunchu), k2=んちゅ. The whole thing is {{ryu-kanjitab|やまとぅ2|っちゅ|k2=んちゅ|yomi=juku2,k}}.
  • o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7 可选
    o is for omitted okurigana. The readings used in "read as" categories are conservative and stick with the "core" readings that are as general as possible. Use these for cases like 入口 or 立入り.
  • sort: 可选
    This should only be used when there are kana that are not covered by kanji, for example in terms with leading honorific お, verbs, or terms with irregular readings. Enter the kana as-is. (No need for quotes on the end as for hidx in other templates.) This kana string can be any mix of hiragana or katakana. It is turned into the proper sort key automatically by Module:Jpan-sortkey.
  • yomi: 可选
  • ateji: 可选
    Marks the kanji as ateji. If equals y, all kanji will be marked as ateji (e.g. 滅茶苦茶). Otherwise the format is one or more start,end (or solo) joined by ;. For example, 仏蘭西語 would have 1,3, and 印度欧羅巴語族 would have 1,2;3,5.

例如, 在 物質 (ぶっしつ, ​busshitsu) 条目上可用:


If the kana reading is the same as the sum of the readings parameters, the sort parameter and k1, k2, etc. may be omitted, and the template will concatenate all of the even unnamed parameters and make a sort key from that. This covers most cases.

For example, on 信頼 (しんらい, ​shinrai) we would have:


If the term exhibits rendaku, the parameter r may be set to any value to add the term to Category:Japanese terms with rendaku.

  • alt: 可选
    Alternative kanji spellings of the word, separated by commas. Needed if you want to redirect with {{ja-see}}.
    Labels can be added with the following syntax:
    altform1:label1_1 label1_2,altform2:label2_1 label2_2
    Such labels are identical to those used in {{label}}, and will be processed as such. It will also appear on the {{ja-see}} redirect. For example, see かけあし and 駈歩 ("equestrianism"), or ミル and ("Brazil, obsolete").
  • clearright: 可选
    Prohibits multiple kanjitabs from occupying the same line.


On the back end, this template adds categories that group entries by the readings of their kanji, of the form "Japanese terms spelled with (kanji) read as (reading)".

For example, (はっ)(ぴょう) (happyō) has Category:Japanese terms spelled with 発 read as はつ and Category:Japanese terms spelled with 表 read as ひょう; 民国 (みんくく) (minkuku) has Category:Okinawan terms spelled with 民 read as みん and Category:Okinawan terms spelled with 国 read as くく.

These categories in turn belong in two parent categories: one of the form "Japanese terms spelled with (kanji)", (the same category link generated by the Japanese kanji headword line template), and the other of the form "Japanese terms spelled with kanji read as (reading)". Use {{auto cat}} (with the appropriate reading types specified as numbered parameters) to generate the readings subcategories. See the documentation of {{auto cat}} for more information.
