




SJW (可數 不可數,複數 SJWs)

  1. (網路用語可數貶義) social justice warrior (社會正義戰士)之首字母縮略詞
    • 2014, The Cheesehusker, Trade Warrior, “SJWs and cultural colonialism [SJW 與文化殖民主義]”, 出自 rec.sport.football.college (Usenet):
      The patronising and angst-ridden logic of old conservatives has become mainstream, leftish and 'radical'.
    • Module:Quote第2461行Lua错误:Parameter "transtitle" is not used by this template.
    • 2015, Soetoros Hundefleisch Liebe, “SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS (SJWs) rule in 'Blue' AmeriKa [社會正義戰士 (SJW) 統治「藍色」美國]”, 出自 alt.politics.economics (Usenet):
      Contemporary street scene New York City: []
      紐約市當代街景: []
    • 2015, Adrienne Trier-Bieniek, Feminist Theory and Pop Culture,頁號 125:
      Some cyberfeminist activists, in particular radical feminists on Tumblr, have been labeled “Social Justice Warriors” (SJWs) and are often scrutinized by mainstream feminist movements and popular culture.
    • 2015, Stephen LeDrew (quoting Richard Dawkins from 2014), The Evolution of Atheism: The Politics of a Modern Movement
      SJWs can't forgive Shakespeare for having the temerity to be white and male.
      SJW 無法原諒莎士比亞作為白人和男性的魯莽行為。
  2. (不可數) St John's wort (貫葉連翹聖約翰草)之首字母縮略詞
    • 2003, Adriane Fugh-Berman, The 5-minute Herb and Dietary Supplement Consult,頁號 173:
      Phototherapy in a 63-year-old man taking SJW (six pills/day) resulted in follicular edema, urticarial edema, and burning pain.
      一名 63 歲男性服用 SJW(每天六粒)進行光療,導致濾泡水腫、蕁麻疹性水腫和灼痛。

