
whip up




whip up (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 whips up,現在分詞 whipping up,一般過去時及過去分詞 whipped up)

  1. (及物) (匆匆)製作 尤指食物
    I'll whip up a quick meal for our unexpected guests.
  2. (及物) 快速攪拌...產生泡沫
  3. (及物) 使...激動激起...的熱情
    His speech whipped the crowd up into a frenzy.
  4. (及物) 突然升起,突然抬起
    • 1962 April, 「Motive power miscellany: Scottish Region」, 出自 Modern Railways,頁號 285:
      Hurricane force winds damaged the North Clydeside catenary on January 17 and 18 and on February 12, causing interruptions to the Helensburgh services; in the neighbourhood of Craigendoran and Cardross, the seas in the Firth of Clyde were whipped up to the height of the conductor wires and the insulators themselves.
    • 2021 2月 24, 「Network News: ... but snow and ice forces Greater Anglia to sideline Class 745s」, 出自 RAIL, 期 925,頁號 13, photo caption:
      Greater Anglia 745005 whips up snow as it passes Fox Street (near Colchester) on February 8, with the 1000 Norwich-London Liverpool Street.
