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源自un- +‎ canny,即「超乎理解之外的」,「超乎熟知的知識範圍外的」。[1]對比中古英語 unkanne (未知的)



uncanny (比較級 uncannier最高級 uncanniest)

  1. 怪異的,詭異的,怪誕
    He bore an uncanny resemblance to the dead sailor.
    • 1899 Feb, Joseph Conrad, 「The Heart of Darkness」, 出自 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine,頁號 200:
      An eerie feeling came over me. She seemed uncanny and fateful.
  2. (英國方言) 粗心的,大意



  1. (心理學心理分析弗洛伊德) 詭異而有熟悉感的東西 (德語「unheimlich」的翻譯(字面意思為「不是秘密的」)。)
    • 2011, Espen Dahl, Hans-Gunter Heimbrock, In Between: The Holy Beyond Modern Dichotomies, page 99:
      [The uncanny is] something that was long familiar to the psyche and was estranged from it only through being repressed. The link with repression now illuminates Schelling′s definition of the uncanny as 『something that should have remained hidden and has come into the open.』 (Freud: 2003, 147 f)
    • 2003, Nicholas Royle, The Uncanny, page 1 [1]:
      The uncanny involves feelings of uncertainty, in particular regarding the reality of who one is and what is being experienced.
    • 2011, Anneleen Masschelein, The Unconcept: The Freudian Uncanny in Late-Twentieth-Century Theory, page 2 [2]:
      Because the uncanny affects and haunts everything, it is in constant transformation and cannot be pinned down.
    • 2001, Diane Jonte-Pace, Speaking the Unspeakable, page 81 [3]:
      In the preceding chapter, we saw that Freud linked the maternal body, death, and the afterlife with the uncanny in his famous essay "The Uncanny" ("Das Unheimliche").
    • 1982, Samuel Weber, The Legend of Freud, page 20 [4]:
      This uncontrollable possibility—the possibility of a certain loss of control—can, perhaps, explain why the uncanny remains a marginal notion even within psychoanalysis itself.
    • 2005, Barbara Creed, Phallic Panic, page vii [5]:
      Freud argued that the uncanny was particularly associated with feelings of horror aroused by the figure of the paternal castrator, neglecting the tropes of woman and animal as a source of the uncanny.
    • 1994, Sonu Shamdasani and Michael Münchow, Speculations after Freud, page 186 [6]:
      As is well known, Freud introduced the concept of the uncanny into psychoanalysis in 1919 and used The Sandman as a prime illustration for his definition.






  1. Douglas Harper (2001–2024), 「uncanny」, 線上詞源詞典》(Online Etymology Dictionary
  2. https://grammarist.com/usage/canny-vs-uncanny/