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De Staalmeesters (The Sampling Officials, also known as Syndics of the Drapers』 Guild, 1662) by Rembrandt,來自the collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

來自法語 syndicat (辛迪加辦公室;辛迪加委員會;工會),來自syndic (辛迪加;代表;日內瓦首席行政官) + -at (表示行動或行動結果的後綴),來自中世紀拉丁語 *syndicatus,來自syndicus (公司或城鎮的代表;辛迪加) (來自古希臘語 σύνδικος (súndikos, 被告辯護人),來自σύν (sún, 旁邊;和) + δίκη (díkē, 審判;正義)) + -ātus (從名詞組成形容詞的後綴,表示擁有某種東西或某種品質)

對照意大利語 sindacato (辛迪加;工會;審計,控制,監督)奧克語 sendegat葡萄牙語 sindicato (工會)西班牙語 sindicadosindicato (辛迪加辦公室;辛迪加;工會)



syndicate (複數 syndicates)

  1. 辛迪加
    a gambling syndicate
    • 1886, Julian Thomas, 「Maafu, Prince of Tonga」, 出自 Cannibals & Convicts: Notes of Personal Experiences in the Western Pacific, London, New York, N.Y.: Cassel & Company, Limited, →OCLC頁號 24:
      The worst deed ever alleged against the early sandalwood traders was that a number of natives were suffocated in a cave at Vaté, in the New Hebrides, by the smoke from a fire built at its mouth. But this was done by order of Maafu, who, on behalf of an Australian syndicate of highly-respectable merchants and church-members, was "bossing" an expedition in search of sandalwood through the New Hebrides.
    1. (犯罪) 犯罪/盜匪組織
      • 1999, John Madinger, 「Case Development」, 出自 Confidential Informant: Law Enforcement’s Most Valuable Tool, Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, →ISBN頁號 178:
        Held at the estate of Mafia boss Joseph Barbara in Apalachin, NY, the meeting called by [Vito] Genovese in November 1957 brought over 100 mobsters from around the country to cement his power over the national crime syndicate.
    2. (大眾媒體) 報系
  2. 辛迪加辦公室管轄區;辛迪加的機構理事會
    • 1686, G[ilbert] Burnet, Some Letters Containing, an Account of What Seemed Most Remarkable in Switzerland, Italy, &c. Written by G. Burnett, D.D. to T[he] H[onourable] R[obert] B[oyle], Rotterdam: Printed by Abraham Acher, bookseller by the Exchange, →OCLC頁號s 10–11:
      The ſoveraintie lies in the Council of 200, and this Council chuſes out of its number 25, who are the leſſer Council; [] they are choſen by a ſort of ballet, ſo that it is not known for whom they give their votes, which is an effectual method to ſuppreſs factions and reſentments; ſince in a competition no man can know who voted for him or againſt him: yet the election is not ſo carried, but that the whole Town is in an intrigue concerning it: for ſince the being of the little Council leads one to the Sindicat, which is the chieffe honor of the State: this dignitie is courted here, with as active and ſolicitous an ambition as appears elſewhere for greater matters.
    • 1859, [India OfficeGovernment of the United Kingdom], 「Copy of Correspondence with the Indian Government, Showing the Progress of the Measures Adopted for Carrying Out the Education Despatch of the 19th Day of July 1854. [Bye-laws for the Government of the University of Madras.]」, 出自 Accounts and Papers: Twenty-one Volumes. [...] Session 2, 31 May – 13 August 1859, 卷 10 (East India (Education)), part II (Madras); volume XXIV, part II, [London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office], →OCLC頁號 367:
      The executive government of the University [of Madras] shall be vested in a syndicate, consisting of the Vice-Chancellor and six of the fellows, who shall be elected for one year by the several faculties, at the annual meetng of the senate, []


syndicate (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 syndicates,現在分詞 syndicating,一般過去時及過去分詞 syndicated)

  1. (不及物) 組成企業聯合組織
    • 2006, Greg Niemann, 「A Settlement is Born (Late 1800s)」, 出自 Palm Springs Legends: Creation of a Desert Oasis (Adventures in the Natural History and Cultural Heritage of the Californias), San Diego, Calif.: Sunbelt Publications, 出版於 2008, →ISBN頁號 38:
      [H]e [John Guthrie McCallum] went to Los Angeles and set up a law practice. There, with three partners and a capitalization of $100,000, they syndicated under the name Palm Valley Land and Water Company in 1887.
  2. (及物) 一個單位集團控制
    • 1999, Esteban C. Buljevich, Yoon S. Park, 「Syndicated Eurocredit Loans」, 出自 Project Financing and the International Financial Markets, Boston, Mass., Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, →ISBN頁號 20:
      When a potential transaction has been identified by a bank, the first activity is obtaining from the potential borrower a "mandate," which is the customer's exclusive authorization to a bank to act as the syndication manager for that particular transaction and to approach other financial institutions on its behalf to raise a given amount of funds. [] A mandate letter is very similar to a standard bank commitment letter, with the exception that bank managers do not guarantee to provide the credit facility, but rather only to syndicate it on a "best efforts" basis, perhaps with a certain firm commitment assumed by them representing a portion of the required syndicated financing.
  3. (及物大眾媒體) 透過報系在報刊上同時發表
    • 2015, Avi Santo, 「Building the Franchise One Market at a Time: The Lone Ranger’s Extra-Textual Career in the Late 1930s」, 出自 Selling the Silver Bullet: The Lone Ranger and Transmedia Brand Licensing, Austin, Tx.: University of Texas Press, →DOI, →ISBN頁號 56:
      [I]nternational television format exchanges are providing a customizable alternative to syndicating existing TV series in foreign markets. Sixteen countries around the world have adapted So You Think You Can Dance, a reality dance competition that originated in the United States. Format changes range from using local judges and contestants to incorporating local dance styles into the competition.
    • 2011, Anne Lies, 「Chicago!」, 出自 Oprah Winfrey: Media Mogul, Edina, Minn.: ABDO Publishing Company, →ISBN頁號s 49–50:
      With the success of The Oprah Winfrey Show and the national attention that Oprah [Winfrey] received from The Color Purple, [Jeffrey] Jacobs advised her that it was time to syndicate her show. Jacobs worked out a deal with the syndication company King World to distribute the show nationally. Two brothers, Roger and Michael King, ran King World. They syndicated the game shows Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! and were looking for a new show to add to their list.

