
slush fund



維基百科 en


原指水手販賣slush (一種油脂混合物)得到的錢。


slush fund (複數 slush funds)

  1. (金融) 非法資金行賄基金
    He is said to have used his party’s slush fund to buy votes in the election.
    • 2008 9月 28, Illiad [pen name; J. D. Frazer], 「The Large Hadron Collider Game」, 出自 Userfriendly.org[1],於2019-05-07歸檔自原頁面:
      7: CERN bestows slush fund on the LHC. Take all pennies from the CERN space.
    • 2017, Jason Hickel, 「The Tax Evaders」, 出自 The Divide [] , London: William Heinemann, →ISBN:
      To do this, [the Lord Mayor] has at his disposal a multibillion-pound slush fund for use in lobbying the UK government and governments around the world to bring in laws that are friendly to banks and multinational companies.
  2. (會計)抵押資金;(某種用途的或用途被改變的)資金
    • 2021 6月 28, Daniel Liberto, 「Slush Fund」, 出自 Investopedia[2]:
      A slush fund is a sum of money that is set aside as a reserve. In accounting, a slush fund is a general ledger account of commingled funds that does not have a designated purpose. In more sinister cases, a slush fund may be used as a "black fund," which is unaccounted for and kept off the books.