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可能直接源自法語 nègre西班牙語葡萄牙語 negro (非洲黑人),最終源自拉丁語 niger (黑色的)。比較丹麥語 nigger瑞典語 nigger德語 Nigger荷蘭語 nikkernegronoir同源對似詞




nigger (複數 niggers,陰性形式 niggeress)

  1. (冒犯種族蔑稱粗俗參見用法說明) 黑鬼尼哥(非洲裔)
    • Template:RQ:Twain Huckleberry Finn
    • 1929, Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms[6], New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,頁號 274:
      「Othello with his occupation gone,」 she teased. 「Othello was a nigger,」 I said.
    • 2004, Hotel Rwanda, 角色 Colonel Oliver(Nick Nolte):
      You are not even a nigger, you are an African.
    • 1996, Chris Rock: Bring the Pain[7], Chris Rock(演員):
      There's black people, and there's niggers. And niggers have got to go. Every time black people wanna have a good time, ign'ant-ass niggers fuck it up.
    • 2008, 「The N Word」, 出自 Greydon Square 作曲, The CPT Theorem:
      See, niggers are followers, blacks normally lead. / Niggers call blacks "whitewash" soon as they on the scene.
    • 2010 4月 13, Kitty Kelley, 引 an unnamed town resident, Oprah: A Biography, New York, N.Y.: Crown, →ISBN, →OL頁號 193:
      Blacks stayed at home during the civil rights march. Niggers are the ones that marched.
  2. (冒犯種族蔑稱粗俗參見用法說明) 黑鬼(屬於任何皮膚通常為黑色的民族的人)
  3. (非洲裔美國人白話英語) 兄弟老哥
    • 2002 1月 13, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, 「"Loaded Language", a review of Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word by Randall Kennedy」, 出自 Washington Post,頁號 BW06:
      I had overheard him greet a buddy who called him on the phone with "Yo, nigger, what's up?"
  4. (非洲裔美國人白話英語) 朋友友仔
    • 1997, McKinley Lee, Chosen by Fate: My Life inside Death Row Records, →ISBN:
      「Snoop Dog!」 one of them yelled. 「That’s my nigga from Long Beach, man.」
    • 2001 Autumn-Winter, Awad Ibrahim, 引 『Sam』, 「Hey, whadap homeboy?」, 出自 Taboo[10],頁號 94:
      I wonna say whassup to all my Niggers, you know, peace and one love.
  5. (冒犯) 黑色皮膚的動物:
    1. (冒犯) 三尖魢Girella tricuspidata
    2. (冒犯過時) 深褐色的蛺蝶科蝴蝶(Orsotriaena medus,南亞,東南亞和澳大利亞)
      • 1932, Gustavus Athol Waterhouse, What Butterfly is That?: A Guide to the Butterflies of Australia,頁號 112:
        Nigger (Male) Orsotriaena medus moira Waterhouse and Lyell. 1914.
      • 2010, Khew Sin Khoon, A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Singapore,頁號 69:
        The Nigger is a common butterfly in Singapore and can be found in the company of bush browns.
    3. (英國康沃爾漁業古舊) 一種海參(Holothuria forskali
    4. (古舊) 蕪菁葉蜂的幼蟲(農業害蟲)
      • 1873, Nature, 卷 7,頁號 448:
        To this group belongs the nigger, or black caterpillar of the turnip, which is often in sufficient numbers to do much mischief.
  6. (古舊電力) 電導體包裹層中會導致部分短路的雜質
    • 1892, Western Electrician, 卷 11,頁號 72:
      Now to locate the portion of the machine which contains the "nigger."
  7. (古舊美國) (一些密西西比河船隻上的)蒸汽起錨機
    • 1983, Goldenseal, 卷 9,頁號 20:
      Well, it's a big heavy line, and you operate the nigger — capstan it's also called — by steam. You wrap your line around that and keep taking in the slack, and that draws up them things.
  8. (電影古舊) 黑幕
    • 1961, Peter Snow, Electronic Flashlight Photography (page 114)
      Care should be taken to check visually from the position occupied by the subject and from the camera also, to ascertain that the nigger is positioned correctly and does not obstruct the picture area.


  • 「nigger」被認為是英語中冒犯意最強的詞語之一。在Kristy Beers Fägersten於2007年的一項研究中,佛羅里達大學的本科生給12個英語貶義詞打分(1分為「不冒犯」,10分為「非常冒犯」)時,參與者給nigger的分最高,幾乎比第二高的詞cunt高兩分。[1]新西蘭的廣播標準機構在2010年和2013年分別進行了兩次調研後得出nigger是新西蘭第二名最具冒犯意的詞(第一名為cunt),兩次調查顯示這個詞會冒犯66%和65%的調查參與人[2][3],幾個英國廣播組織開展的一項調查也顯示「nigger」會冒犯68%的英國人,排在第5位(前面的詞分別為cuntmotherfuckerfuckwanker)。[4]
  • 一些非洲裔曾嘗試為這個詞辯白(特別是形式nigga),但是惹起了爭議,一些人認為由於其歷史陰暗,加之現在仍有貶義使用,這個詞不能夠被辯白。[5]無論如何,非黑人使用這個詞仍舊帶有極強的冒犯意。
  • 「nigger」暗含極強的貶義色彩,不僅是蔑視性地稱呼人皮膚黑,還暗指他們缺乏智力,長期無業,是社會蛀蟲,毒品成癮,傾向於犯罪等。[6]而且它還和白人殖民非洲、奴役黑人和非洲裔美國人有關。
  • 為了減輕其冒犯意,指代這個詞時或者在直接引語中審查掉這個詞時會用「n-word」。





nigger (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 niggers,現在分詞 niggering,一般過去時及過去分詞 niggered)

  1. (及物過時) 不施肥而使土質越來越差
  2. (不及物冒犯) 做出黑人刻板印象中的行徑
    • 1989, Reynolds Price, The surface of earth, Ballantine Books,頁號 120:
      His father said, 「Niggering, I was niggering about. You knew that surely.」
    • 2007, George Hovis, Vale of Humility: Plain Folk in Contemporary North Carolina Fiction, Univ of South Carolina Press,頁號 86:
      Forrest’s rediscovery of his father coincides with his discovery that old Robinson’s 「niggering around」 produced at least one child of mixed race.
    • 2008, Joe Ambrose, Gimme Danger: The Story Of Iggy Pop, Music Sales Group:
      I mean he was niggering. Niggering out, grabbing at my leg and microphone cord. I said, 『Stop that you damn nigger!』 and that takes guts!
  3. (不常用及物冒犯) 蔑視
    • 1997 1月 18, Joe Frisch, 「Anglo-US relations under a Blair Government」, 出自 uk.org.mensa[11] (Usenet):
      The gated community is a powerful tool in the systematic and sustained niggering of local 3rd-world communities - namely, in the book, the Hispanic (mostly wetbacK[sic]) community
    • 1999 12月 3, Jeff Welch, 「Who is McGuyver and why was he "niggered?」, 出自 seattle.general, December 3[12] (Usenet):
      > He is on TV saying that he was "abused" by the police and treated like a nigger.
    • 2003 7月 16, 「Mob Attacks Palestinian Pollsters Who Told The Truth」, 出自 soc.retirement (Usenet):
      Why would many Paletinians want to return to a land where they would be "niggered" for the benefit of the Israelis as the present Palestinian population is


  1. Kristy Beers Fägersten (2007), 「A sociolinguistic analysis of swear word offensiveness」, Saarland Working Papers in Linguistics (SWPL)[1], Högskolan Dalarna (Dalarna University), Sweden, 頁14-37
  2. What Not to Swear: The Acceptability of Words in Broadcasting」, (請提供作品標題)[2], 訪問於2021-03-12, 存檔自原始網頁2015-04-07
  3. What Not to Swear: The Acceptability of Words in Broadcasting, 2013」, (請提供作品標題)[3], 訪問於2021-03-12, 存檔自原始網頁2021-02-03
  4. 「"Delete expletives?"」, (請提供作品標題)[4], 訪問於2021-03-12, 存檔自原始網頁2015-09-24
  5. Rachel Higson (September 28, 2017), 「Considering the N-Word: To Reject or Reclaim?」, The Prindle Post[5], DePauw, Indiana: The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics at DePauw University, 存檔自原始網頁於November 26, 2020, 取回於March 12, 2021
  6. Template:Projectlink/pedia
