
keep tabs on




tab (用來記錄的小板子)


  • (澳洲)音頻(檔案)


keep tabs on (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 keeps tabs on,現在分詞 keeping tabs on,一般過去時及過去分詞 kept tabs on)

  1. (俗語) 監視掌握...的動向
    If you are careful to keep tabs on your finances, you should be able to stay within a budget.
    The police kept close tabs on him during the holidays.
    • 1910, Stewart Edward White, 章號 85, 出自 The Rules of the Game:
      He might have spent the hours camped under the trees of the more remote meadow, whence in the brilliant moonlight he could keep tabs on the trails.
    • 1919, Lucy Maud Montgomery, 章號 16, 出自 Rainbow Valley:
      I'll catch him—I'll trip him up—I'll keep tabs on his arguments.
    • 2010, Andrew Lee Butters, 「Why the U.S. Is Back on the Road to Damascus」, 出自 Time:
      Syria's much feared state-security apparatus keeps close tabs on everyone entering and leaving the embassy.
    • 2023 5月 18, Christopher Clarey, 「Even as He’s Out, Rafael Nadal Will Always Be a Part of the French Open」, 出自 The New York Times[1]:
      Nadal, absent from the draw for the first time nearly two decades, said he won’t watch it all from afar, but he will be keeping tabs.
