





源自中古英語 homlyhoomlyhamely (家庭的,熟悉的,平常的),源自古英語 *hāmlīc (家的),源自原始西日耳曼語 *haimalīk (家的),等價於home +‎ -ly。同源詞包括低地蘇格蘭語 hamely (個人的,私人的)西弗里斯蘭語 heimelik荷蘭語 heimelijk (秘密的,暗中的)德語 heimlich (秘密的,暗中的)丹麥語 hemmelig (秘密的)瑞典語 hemlig (秘密的,掩蓋的)法羅語 heimligur (像家的)冰島語 heimlegur (家裡的;平常的)


  • (英國) 國際音標(幫助)/ˈhəʊmli/
  • (英國)音頻(檔案)
  • (美國) 英語發音hōmʹlē國際音標(幫助)/ˈhoʊmli/
  • 韻部:-əʊmli
  • 斷字:home‧ly


homely (比較級 homelier more homely最高級 homeliest most homely)

  1. 的,像家的,合適家的,像家一樣舒服(自14世紀初葉)
    • 1946, George Orwell, Politics and the English Language:
      An interesting illustration of this is the way in which the English flower names which were in use till very recently are being ousted by Greek ones, snapdragon becoming antirrhinum, forget-me-not becoming myosotis, etc. It is hard to see any practical reason for this change of fashion: it is probably due to an instinctive turning-away from the more homely word and a vague feeling that the Greek word is scientific.
    • 2014 1月 5, 「Mowgli's Cub」, 出自 The Jungle Book:
      Mowgli: "Oh, don't worry Chota, it may not be homely, but I can warm it up."
  2. (加拿大美國) 長得的,相貌平庸
    • Template:RQ:South Twelve Sermons
    • 1932, Delos W. Lovelace, King Kong, 出版於 1965,頁號 6:
      "I can't send a young, pretty girl, or for that matter even a homely one if you'd have her, on a job like this without telling her what to expect."
    • 1958, Vladimir Nabokov, 章號 15, 出自 Lolita:
      You see, she sees herself as a starlet; I see her as a sturdy, healthy but decidedly homely kid.
    反義詞: comely
  3. (英國方言) 親昵的,親近的關係好的
    • 1563, John Foxe, Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Chapter on William Thorpe:
      With all these men I was right homely, and communed with them long and oft.
  4. (英國方言指動物) 家養的,馴服
  5. (英國方言) 個人的,私人
  6. (英國方言) 友好的,友善的,平易近人
  7. (印度) 保守注重家庭的
    I am seeking a beautiful homely girl for marriage.
  8. (古舊) 簡易的,平常的,樸實無華(自14世紀末葉)
    a homely garment樸實無華的衣服
    homely fare平平無奇的飯菜
    homely manners簡單的禮儀
    • 1731, Alexander Pope, Strephon and Chloe, Lines 211-212:
      Now Strephon daily entertains
      His Chloe in the homeliest strains.
    • 2001, Sydney I. Landau, Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN,頁號 167:
      There is no simple way to define precisely a complex arrangement of parts, however homely the object may appear to be.





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