




詞源 1[編輯]

源自中古英語 coste (肋骨;身體的一邊;建築物的一邊;立體圖形的面;海岸;海灣;海洋;凹;界限;土地;國家;地區;地方,地點;天的分區;方位;方向;用來表示方向的地點) [以及其他形式][1]源自古法語 coste (肋;側;海岸)(現代法語 côte (肋骨;海岸;山丘)),源自拉丁語 costa (肋骨;邊)[2]源自原始印歐語 *kost-


coast (複數 coasts)

  1. (自14世紀)
    The rocky coast of Maine has few beaches.
  2. (棄用) 邊緣 (15-18世紀)
    • 1730, Isaac Newton, Opticks, 4th ed., London: [] William Innys [], page 331:
      And the Coaſt towards which the lines KL and VX are drawn, may be call』d the Coaſt of unuſual Refraction.
  3. (棄用) 地區區劃 (14-17世紀)
    • Template:RQ:Tyndale Bible
    • 1624, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], 章號 II, 出自 The Anatomy of Melancholy: [], 2nd版, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps, →OCLC, partition ii, section 3:
      P. Crescentius, in his lib. 1 de agric. cap. 5, is very copious in this subject, how a house should be wholesomely sited, in a good coast, good air, wind, etc.
  4. (棄用) 空中的區域 (14-17世紀)

詞源 2[編輯]

源自中古英語 costeien (在一個邊界上移動;沿着...走;陪同;穿越,穿過;鄰接於) [以及其他形式][3]源自盎格魯-諾曼語 [具體何詞?]古法語 costoier (靠在,與...鄰接) [](現代法語 côtoyer (划過,經過;擦肩)),源自拉丁語 costicāre,源自拉丁語 costa (肋骨;邊),還見詞源 1[4]


coast (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 coasts,現在分詞 coasting,一般過去時及過去分詞 coasted)

  1. (不及物) (指車等不依靠引擎動力)滑行
    When I ran out of gas, fortunately I managed to coast into a nearby gas station.
    • 1947 January and February, O. S. Nock, 「"The Aberdonian" in Wartime」, 出自 Railway Magazine,頁號 7:
      We steamed easily across the first part of the Tay Bridge, and then after passing over the long spans in mid-stream we coasted smoothly down the 1 in 114 gradient, and around the sweeping curve through Esplanade Station.
    • 2020 9月 23, 「Network News: AWC employs coasting to minimise disruption」, 出自 Rail,頁號 26:
      Avanti West Coast has introduced the use of coasting with its Pendolino fleet, in an effort to keep disruption during overhead line equipment failures to a minimum. [...] The Class 390s coasted for three miles without power between Harrow & Wealdstone and Wembley Central, running under damaged OLE.
  2. (不及物航海) 沿岸航行
  3. (不及物)出力,不費力,不花心思
    • November 2 2014, Daniel Taylor, "Sergio Agüero strike wins derby for Manchester City against 10-man United," guardian.co.uk
      Yet the truth is that City would probably have been coasting by that point if the referee, Michael Oliver, had not turned down three separate penalties, at least two of which could be accurately described as certainties.
  4. (不及物棄用) 接近靠近
  5. (及物棄用) 沿着...的海岸線移動
  6. (及物棄用) 引導...沿着岸移動
  7. (美國方言) 向坡下滑行;用雪橇滑行


  1. cō̆ste, n.」 in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
  2. coast, n.」, OED Online Paid subscription required, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, March 2021; 「coast, n.」, Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.
  3. cō̆steien, v.」 in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
  4. coast, v.」, OED Online Paid subscription required, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, June 2021; 「coast, v.」, Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.

