




n. (尤指海拔)高度, 高處(海拔甚高的地方), (等級, 地位等)高等

例句:atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude increases. 大氣壓力隨着高度的增加而降低。

例句:at high altitudes of Tibet it is difficult to breathe. 在西藏海拔很高的地方呼吸很困難。

例句:The airliner flew at an altitude of 20000 feet. 客機在兩万英尺的高度飛行。

例句:In these altitudes snow never melts. 在這樣的高度,雪永不融化。

例句:The environmental impact of these emissions strongly depends upon the altitude at which they occur. 這些氣體對環境的影響主要取決於它們排入的高度。

例句:Some people develop altitude sickness when climbing high mountains. 有些人在爬高山時會發生高山反應。

例句:We're presently at an altitude of 28,000 feet ascending to our cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. 我們現在的高度是兩万八千尺,正往三万五千呎的巡航高度爬升。

例句:There are walks of 6–8 hours most days, with a maximum altitude of 5,545 metres. 大多數時間裡,每天在海拔高達5,545米的高原上步行6至8小時。

例句:There is a direct correlation between coffee density and the altitude that the coffee plant is growing at, with a higher altitude equaling a higher density. 海拔高度與咖啡密度也有直接的關係,海拔越高就意味着密度越高。

例句:any illness at altitude is altitude illness until proven otherwise. 在高海拔的任何病症,都應先假定是高山病,直到證明是別的疾病為止。

例句:Never before had an Olympics been held at such an altitude of 7,347 feet, the highest by far in Olympic annals. 此前,奧運會從來沒有在海拔高達7347英尺的地方舉辦過,這次奧運會舉辦地的海拔是奧運歷史上最高的。

例句:Studies have shown that travelers who are on organized group treks to high-altitude locations are more likely to die of altitude illness than travelers who are by themselves. 研究指出參加登山隊而爬升到高海拔落腳的旅者,較單獨行動的旅者更容易死於高山疾病。

例句:at this altitude the atmospheric pressure is half that at sea level, and thus delivers half the amount of oxygen per lungful. 在這一海拔大氣壓力只有海平面的一半,因此每呼吸一次身體只能得到一半的氧氣供給。

例句:also last year, the large, modern and multi-functional Tibet Autonomous Region Library, the world's highest in altitude, was completed and opened to the public. 1996年,世界上海拔最高的現代化的、多功能的大型圖書館西藏自治區圖書館建成開館。

例句:The Tibet Autonomous Region is 1.22 million sq km in area, with an average altitude of well over 4,000 m above sea level. It boasts a unique natural ecology and geographical environment. 西藏自治區面積122万平方公里,平均海拔在4000米以上,有着獨特的自然生態和地理環境。

  • 正體高度[電機工程]
  • 正體高度[通訊工程]
  • 简体高程[大气]
  • 正體高度[氣象]
  • 简体高度[测绘学]
  • 正體高度[測量學]


n.f. 高度;海拔,海拔高度;mal de l'~[d'~]高山症,航空病,高空缺氧不適症

