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  1. (US politics) 第35任美國總統John Fitzgerald Kennedy (約翰·費茲傑拉爾德·甘迺迪)之首字母縮略詞
  2. 各種以該詞俗稱的建築物、設施、船舶、橋樑、高速公路等,尤指
    1. 約翰·肯尼迪國際機場John F. Kennedy Airport),位於紐約
      I flew into JFK, then took a cab to my hotel in Manhattan
      • 1994, Tom Clancy, Armored Cav: A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment, New York: Berkley Books, →ISBN,頁號 281:
        Fortunately, most of these were former French colonies, and through a combination of quiet diplomacy and well-placed French nationals in the various air-traffic-control centers, the 300-mile-long stream of American aircraft flew the width of Africa as uneventfully as a red-eye flight from LAX to JFK.
    2. 約翰·肯尼迪市政廳(John F. Kennedy Federal Building),位於曼徹斯頓波士頓
    3. 約翰·肯尼迪紀念大橋(John F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge),位於肯塔基路易斯維爾
      Traffic on the JFK was delayed by construction of the new bridge.
    4. 兩艘美國海軍航母之一:
      1. 肯尼迪號航空母艦 (CV-67)USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67)
      2. 肯尼迪號航空母艦 (CVN-79)USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79)
    5. 美國中大量以此命名的學校之一。
      Steubenville beat JFK, scoring in the final minute of play.


  • 常在以這位總統命名的公共建築物的非正式名稱中作定語。


JFK (複數 JFKs)

  1. (紀念約翰·肯尼迪的)50美分硬幣
    近義詞: Kennedy


JFK (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 JFKs,現在分詞 JFKing,一般過去時及過去分詞 JFKed)

  1. (及物俚語) 殺掉暗殺 尤指因政治原因
    • 2004 4月 5, JonZ, 「Poll Picks McCain as Kerry's Vice President」, 出自 alt.politics.bush (Usenet):
      I am not saying choosing McCain would necesarrily lead to Kerry getting JFKed but Democratic presidential runners need to be aware of the problem.
    • 2009 11月 14, Eddie Haskell, 「Obama resists Pentagon pressure on Afghanistan quagmire - will he be JFKed?」, 出自 alt.fan.rush-limbaugh (Usenet):
      The way he is decimating the CIA will more likely get him JFKed.
    • 2010 6月 20, Johnny Asia, 「If Obama tried to do the right thing he'd be JFKed」, 出自 alt.politics (Usenet):
      If Obama tried to do the right thing he'd be JFKed. If Obama tried to live up to his promises, if he opposed the neocons and military-industrial complex ...
  2. (俚語) 調查約翰·肯尼迪刺殺
    • 1991 4月 19, Steve Feinstein, 「JFK Survey」, 出自 sci.skeptic (Usenet):
      This may seem a little presumptious, but I feel that this group is pretty much JFKed out.
    • 2009 11月 14, cdddraftsman, 「More indications of the investigative」, 出自 alt.assassination.jfk (Usenet):
      I'm going to give 'nobody' the benifit of the doubt , seeing by his own admission that he's been JFKing it for just a couple of months now .
    • 2016 8月 14, Ralph Cinque, 「There are two kinds of people: JFKers and non-JFKers」, 出自 alt.assassination.jfk (Usenet):
      The point is that the JFK world is a very polarized world, and it does not reflect the general population. In a word, JFKing can screw-up a person's head. Look at the ridiculous assertion of Robert Harris from the other day where he said that he took Ruby's shooting of Oswald as a clear sign that Oswald was guilty.
  3. (俚語貶義) 有與約翰·肯尼迪類似的政治觀點
    • 2003 11月 10, zepp, 「The Wingnut Dictionary」, 出自 talk.politics.misc (Usenet):
      (from the standard code-word remark "I'm a JFK liberal") Examples: "He's useless...he JFKed a long time ago",
    • 2004 10月 6, Alex, 「OT / Right Wingnut Debate Dictionary」, 出自 alt.true-crime (Usenet):
      JFKing is symbiotically related to the "Even Some Liberals Agree" gambit, since JFKers quickly establish their roles as the reliable house liberals who provide neocons with all their even-some-liberals-agree examples.
    • 2010 5月 20, Bill Bonde, 「evangelical Repulican quits over sex scandal」, 出自 alt.activism.death-penalty (Usenet):
      He could've JFKed all the overweight babes he wanted to and that's that.