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不详,原为苏格兰英语。可能是拟声词,但对比中古英语 thakken古英语 þaccian(其因与本词异文合并而派生出thwack)。



whack (复数 whacks)

  1. 重击 无论是否击中
  2. 重击
  3. (美国俚语) 尝试
    C'mon. Take a whack at it.
    40 bucks a whack.
  4. (原为英国cant较为过时) 一份 尤指一大部分
    • Template:RQ:Thackeray Pendennis
    • Template:RQ:London White Fang
    • 1938, Xavier Herbert, Capricornia, New York: Appleton, Chapter VII, page 108,[1]
      [] O'Cannon's a taxpayer. He pays his whack towards the upkeep of the State School up in town—”
    • 1951, Katherine Mansfield, Letters to John Middleton Murry, 1913-1922,
      For one thing I had a splendid supper when I got on board—a whack of cold, lean beef and pighells, bread, butter ad lib., tea, and plenty of good bread.
    • 2014, Anthony Pritchard, Grand Prix Ferrari (page 203)
      There were problems over the installation of the engine and the handling. The team had paid top whack for the two Coopers, but the company gave them no help at all.
  5. (弃用) 拆分瓜分
    近义词: whack-updivvying updivision
  6. (美国弃用) 约定协议
    It's a whack!
  7. (过时迪斯科时代毒品俚语) 苯环己哌啶天使粉
    近义词: PCPphencyclidinewack
  8. (字体排印计算机俚语) 反斜线反斜杠 ⟨ \ ⟩
    del c:\docs\readme.txt
    可读作Delete c colon whack docs whack readme dot text.



whack (第三人称单数简单现在时 whacks,现在分词 whacking,一般过去时及过去分词 whacked)

  1. 重击
    The bat whacked the baseball.
  2. (俚语) 干掉杀掉
    近义词: 参见Thesaurus:kill
    • 2008 4月 29, Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto 4, Take-Two Interactive,关卡/区域:Flatline:
      Niko Bellic: So you want me to talk to him? / Jimmy Pegorino: I want you to whack him! And after that I want you to kill all the other rats I surround myself with...
  3. (及物俚语) 瓜分 常带up
    to whack the spoils of a robbery
    • 1851, Henry Mayhew, London Labour and the London Poor, London: G. Newbold, Volume 2, p. 152,
      When the sewer-hunters consider they have searched long enough [] the gang [] count out the money they have picked up, and proceed to dispose of the old metal, bones, rope, &c.; this done, they then, as they term it, “whack” the whole lot; that is, they divide it equally among all hands.
  4. (运动) 彻底打败,彻底击败
    • 2012, Ryan Pyette, Majors, Panthers play mind games, The London Free Press:
      The fidgety Majors were whacked 9-1 by the Kitchener Panthers at Couch and now trail their rivals 2-0 in an increasingly uncomfortable best-of-seven Intercounty Baseball League first-round series.
  5. (英国常用否定) 超过胜过
    • 2012, Steve Cullen, Total Flyfisher:
      Recently I was over in Ireland, I love the place, proper fishing, can't whack it!



whack (比较级 whacker最高级 whackest)

  1. wack (疯狂的)的另一种写法
    That's whack, yo!
    • 2007, Joyce E. Davis, Can't Stop The Shine, page 51:
      As they joked about the big butts on female celebrities and what rappers had the whackest lyrics, Malcolm paid little attention to Kalia besides squeezing her hand or grabbing her arm to hold himself up []


  • Oxford English Dictionary, 1st ed. "whack, n." Oxford University Press (Oxford), 1923.