



维基百科 en


借自拉丁语 terminationemterminatio的宾格)。



termination (可数 不可数,复数 terminations)

  1. 终止停止
    近义词: discontinuationstoppage
    反义词: continuation
  2. 解雇开除
    近义词: dischargedismissal
  3. 结束终止
    近义词: closeconclusionendfinalefinishstop
  4. 边界末端
    近义词: borderedgeendlimitliprimtip
  5. 结果后果
    近义词: consequenceoutcomeresultupshot
    • 1834, L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], 章号 XIV, 出自 Francesca Carrara. [], 卷 III, London: Richard Bentley, [], (successor to Henry Colburn), →OCLC页号 111:
      Long indeed did that morning appear to Francesca—the longer as her anxiety was unexpressed; for it certainly does shorten a period of waiting not a little to spend it in talking over its various probabilities of termination, wondering what will happen, while we are consoled by the strong sympathy we excite in the listener.
  6. (语法) (单词的)结尾末尾
    近义词: endingdesinence
    • 1849, E. A. Andrews, A First Latin Book; Or Progressive Lessons in Reading and Writing Latin, 2nd版, Boston,页号 52 & 69:
      1. Some adjectives of the third declension have three terminations in the nominative singular,—one for each gender; some two,—one for the masculine and feminine, the other for the neuter; and some, only one for all genders.
      1. Verbs whose terminations are alike, are said to be of the same conjugation.
      2. Latin verbs are divided into four conjugations.
  7. (医学) 人工流产人流
    近义词: abortioninduced abortion
  8. (弃用罕用) 单词
    近义词: termword
    • Template:RQ:Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing
    • 1808, Humphry Davy, The Bakerian Lecture, on some new Phenomena of chemical Changes produced by Electricity, particularly the Decomposition of the fixed Alkalis, and on the Exhibition of the new substances which constitute their bases; and on the general Nature of alkaline Bodies, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Part 1, p. 32.
      [O]n this idea, in naming the bases of potash and soda, it will be proper to adopt the termination which, by common consent, has been applied to other newly discovered metals... Potasium and sodium are the names...
  9. 多肽链末端

