



维基百科 en
Shoehorn made of horn
A metal shoehorn.
Shoehorn in use
This racing car has a 5.1 litre V8 aero-engine shoehorned into its lightweight cyclecar frame
Tate's Avenue bridge, Belfast. The engineer had a hard job "shoehorning" the new footbridge into an existing street.



shoe +‎ horn



shoehorn (复数 shoehorns)

  1. 鞋拔
  2. (贬义) 促成事务达成的工具、手段
    • 1935, Don Herold, Going to the Movies, Life Magazine January 1935.:
      I was about sixty feet ahead of this film in many spots, which speaks rather poorly for it. And I resented the heartthrobs which were planted in my bosom with a shoehorn via the "little child" process.
  3. (弃用) 诱因
    • 1652, Richard Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy:
      Now you cannot but observe, that most of our fine young Ladies readily fall in with the Direction of the Graver sort, to retain in their Service, by some small Encouragement, as great a Number as they can of supernumerary and insignificant Fellows, which they use like Whiflers, and commonly call Shoeing-Horns. These are never designed to know the length of the Foot, but only when a good Offer comes to whet and spur him up to the Point. Nay 'tis the Opinion of that grave Lady, Madam Matchwell, that it's absolutely convenient for every prudent Family to have several of these Implements about the House, to clap on as occasion serves, and that every Spark ought to produce a Certificate of his being a Shoeing-Horn, before he be admitted as a Shoe. A certain Lady, whom I could name, if it was necessary, has at present more Shoeing-Horns of all Sizes, Countries, and Colours, in her Service, than ever she had new Shoes in her Life.



shoehorn (第三人称单数简单现在时 shoehorns,现在分词 shoehorning,一般过去时及过去分词 shoehorned)

  1. (字面意思) 使用鞋拔
  2. (及物比喻义) 把……(强行进,插入
    I shoehorned his dozen burgeoning bags into the backseat of my tiny car, and off we went.
    His staff want to shoehorn an extra stop into his already packed campaigning schedule.
  3. (及物比喻义) 强行将某事与另一(不相干的)事物相关联(尤其在其为谬误时)
    People claiming to be psychic may shoehorn an event into fulfillment of some vague past prediction.
    • 2015 4月 5, Robert Todd Carroll, “Shoehorning”, 出自 The Skeptic's Dictionary[1]:
      After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, fundamentalist Christian evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson shoehorned the events to their agenda. They claimed that "liberal civil liberties groups, feminists, homosexuals and abortion rights supporters bear partial responsibility...because their actions have turned [my] god's anger against America."
      在2001年9月11日世贸中心和五角大楼遭受恐怖袭击后,基督教原教旨主义福音派人士 Jerry Falwell 和 Pat Robertson 把这件事也提上了自己的议程。他们宣称“自由派公民团体、女性主义者、同性恋和堕胎权利支持者应当承担部分责任……因为他们的行动引起[我的]上帝对美国产生了愤怒。”