
send someone packing




  • (澳洲)音频(档案)


send someone packing (第三人称单数简单现在时 sends someone packing,现在分词 sending someone packing,一般过去时及过去分词 sent someone packing)

  1. (俗语) 拒绝某人,回绝某人;赶走某人
    • c. 1695, Dr. Robert South, “To Archbishop of Dublin”, 出自 Sermons, Vol. III:
      [T]he parliament, to their immortal honour, presently sent him packing.
    • 1849, Currer Bell [笔名; Charlotte Brontë], 章号 32, 出自 Shirley. A Tale. [], 卷s (請指定|volume=I、II或III), London: Smith, Elder and Co., [], →OCLC:
      Two ladies called one day, pale and anxious, and begged earnestly, humbly, to be allowed to see Mr. Moore one instant: Mrs. Yorke hardened her heart, and sent them packing.
    • 1904, Gilbert Parker, 章号 2, 出自 Michel and Angele:
      "Monsieur, you and yours are not for me. Seek elsewhere." . . .
      "You send me packing!" he blurted out, getting red in the face.
    • 2014 6月 14, Anne Marie Garcia, “Cuba ballplayers chase dreams, big bucks, overseas”, 出自 Businessweek, retrieved 8 July 2014:
      [L]eague authorities sent him packing after ruling he was registered with a fake Dominican passport under circumstances that remain murky.

