



源自原始意大利语 *sākris (神圣的) ← 原始印欧语 *seh₂k- (神圣化;签约)



sacer (阴性 sacra,中性 sacrum); 第一/第二类变格 形容词 (主格阳性单数结尾为-er)

  1. 神圣的,受崇敬(翻译希腊语ἱερός)
    • c. 200 BCE, Plautus, Menaechmi V.5.38:
      at ego te sacram coronam surrupuisse Iovi scio
      And I know that you stole the sacred crown of Jupiter.
  2. 牺牲的;受诅咒
    • 29 BCE – 19 BCE, Virgil, Aeneid III.56:
      quid non mortalia pectora cogis / auri sacra fames
      Accursed hunger for gold, what do you not compel the hearts of men to do!
  3. 天赐的,天空
    • 29 BCE – 19 BCE, Virgil, Aeneid VIII.591:
      extulit os sacrum caelo tenebrasque resoluit
      lifts to the skies his countenance divine, and melts the shadows of the night away.
  4. (诗歌用法, 奥古斯都后的散文) 可恨的,可怕的;有罪的;邪恶
    • c. 190 BCE, Plautus, Bacchides 4.6.14:
      ego sum malus ego sum sacer scelestus
      I am a bad one, I am a cursed one—a wicked one.


第一/第二类变格 adjective (主格阳性单数结尾为-er)。

单数 复数
格 / 性 阳性 阴性 中性 阳性 阴性 中性
主格 sacer sacra sacrum sacrī sacrae sacra
属格 sacrī sacrae sacrī sacrōrum sacrārum sacrōrum
与格 sacrō sacrō sacrīs
宾格 sacrum sacram sacrum sacrōs sacrās sacra
夺格 sacrō sacrā sacrō sacrīs
呼格 sacer sacra sacrum sacrī sacrae sacra






  • 阿斯图里亚斯语: sacru
  • 加泰罗尼亚语: sacre
  • 加利西亚语: sacro, sagro
  • 意大利语: sacro


  • sacer in Charlton T. Lewis & Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879
  • sacer”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • sacer在Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français (拉丁语-法语详解词典), Hachette中的内容
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (模糊)ritual; ceremonial: sacra, res divinae, religiones, caerimoniae
    • (模糊)to sacrifice: sacra, sacrificium facere (ἱερὰ ῥέζειν), sacrificare
    • (模糊)to profane sacred rites: sacra polluere et violare
  • De Vaan, Michiel (2008) Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill, ISBN 9789004167971, 页532