





源自中古英语 eri (害怕的),源自古英语 earg (胆小的,害怕的),源自原始日耳曼语 *argaz。与低地苏格兰语 ergh, argh同源,源自同一古英语词。argh同源对似词



eerie (比较级 eerier最高级 eeriest)

  1. 怪异的,诡异的,怪诞的,离奇的,令人毛骨悚然
    近义词: creepyspooky
    The eerie sounds seemed to come from the graveyard after midnight.
    • Template:RQ:Conrad Heart of Darkness
    • 1943, H. Lorna Bingham, The Lost Tribe, Sydney: Winn and Co.,页号 13,列号 2:
      Dan was beginning to feel very depressed when suddenly the eerie howl of a dingo rang out[.]
  2. (苏格兰) 害怕的,胆小
    • 1883, George MacDonald, Donal Grant:
      She began to feel eerie.
    • 1902, John Buchan, The Outgoing of the Tide
      'It is my business to read the hearts o' men,' said the other.
      'And who may ye be?' said Heriotside, growing eerie.




eerie (复数 eeries)

  1. eyrie的另一种写法
    • 1884, Gordon Stables, O'er Many Lands, on Many Seas,页号 114:
      I'm not sure, indeed, that we didn't scare the eagles from their eeries; at all events we thought we did.
    • 1910, Hans Adolf Erwein Max graf von Königsmarck, P. H. Oakley Williams, A German Staff Officer in India:
      They hang suspended over precipices, these rocky eeries of grim birds of prey that bequeath their appetite for murder and loot to their brood.
    • 1912 December, Joseph Stutzin, “The Children of the Eagle”, 出自 Israel Goldberg(译者), The Maccabæan: A Magazine of Jewish Life and Letters, 卷 22, 号 6,页号 184:
      Of the heavenly azure, and of the eeries suspended on the highest rocks they had indeed heard something, but they had never seen them, and in spite of their wishes it was no longer the old keen home-sickness of the old eagles.
    • 1914, Walter Bloem, The Iron Year,页号 78:
      What was it that had driven them forth from their wooded mountain eeries to wait and watch for that one short moment, when the figure of an old man clad in a plain black military tunic would become visible at the saloon-window of a crawling train, to watch a wrinkled hand wave a fleeting greeting?
    • 1932, Nina Larrey Duryea, Mallorca the Magnificent,页号 26:
      But his army reached Buñola at the head of the pass, and at once, like a whirlwind, the Moors swept down from their eeries and gave battle.
  2. 怪异事物
    • 1880, Charles Martin Newell, Kalani of Oahu: An Historical Romance of Hawaii,页号 255:
      Other of these terrible Eeries began now to congregate beneath the canoe, taking courage by the example of their cowardly companion, all alike curious about this charming visitant in the upper world.
    • 2013, Robert Silverberg, “A Science-Fiction Garden”, 出自 Reflections and Refractions:
      I tell you it's weirdsville down there, a spaced-out botanical Twilight Zone of creepies, crawlies, eeries, and ghastlies.
    • 2017 September/October, Catherynne M. Valente, “Down and Out in R'lyeh”, 出自 Uncanny Magazine, 号 18,页号 41:
      Just a couple of eeries looking to get squamous, to swipe a little snatch of wholesome fun from the funktacular funerary fundament belonging to the Big Boss, a hit big enough to drop our brains out the bottoms of our various appendages and forget the essential, unalterable, sanity-shearing truth of our watery and unfleeling cosmos: R'lyeh sucks.
    • 2021, Steve Conoboy, Refrain Of The Fallen:
      If circumstances were even slightly different, I would allow my eeries to descend upon you and do as they pleased. After what your two friends caused here the last time, you're lucky I'm managing to hold them back at all.