





不详。可能源自daisy (雏菊)或意大利女演员Eleonora Duse埃莱奥诺拉·杜斯)之名。常有说法错误地称其源自汽车公司Duesenberg,但该词出现比这一公司成立早十多年。另可能源自波兰语 duży,于20世纪00年代左右由波兰移民潮引入美国。(这个词源(+)能找到来源吗?)



doozy (复数 doozies)

  1. (美国非正式) 麻烦的,棘手的;() 厉害
    近义词: lulu
    Most of the test was easy, but the last question was a doozy.
    • 2017, Eric A Meyer, Estelle Weyl, CSS: The Definitive Guide: Visual Presentation for the Web, Kindle版, O'Reilly Media,页号 126:
      Like the em unit, the rem unit is based on declared font size. The difference — and it’s a doozy — is that whereas em is calculated using the font size of the element to which it’s applied, rem is always calculated using the root element.


doozy (一般不用比较级比较级 doozier最高级 dooziest)

  1. (俚语过时) 厉害的,很好的,牛屄(1903)
    • 1903, Alfred Leon Kleberg, Slang Fables from Afar,页号 83:
      As soon as the races were billed he began to evolve Schemes — one Doozy scheme followed the other...
    • 2011, “Feeling Pinkie Keen”, 出自 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:
      The hydra wasn't the doozy? How could it not be the doozy? What could be doozier than that?
  2. (俚语美国古旧) 花哨的,俗艳(1911)
    • 1917, Elsie Warnock, “Terms of approbation and eulogy in American dialect speech”, 出自 Dialect Notes, 卷 IV,页号 21:
      Who was that doozy fellow I saw you with?
    • 1920, Jane Barrett, “English review”, 出自 High School Life, 卷 21,页号 531:
      Sweetie, do let me show you the dooziest little afternoon frock that Poiret designed for me in Paris.


  • Template:R:BBS
  • "Doozy" in J.E. Lighter, Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang volume 1, 1994.