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继承中古英语 FrencheFrenschFrenscFrensheFrenkFranche,来自古英语 Frenċisċ (法语),来自原始西日耳曼语 *Frankisk (法兰克),等同于Frank +‎ -ish (对照Frankish)。与西佛兰德语 Fransch (法语)荷兰语 Frans (法语)中古低地德语 vrankschfrenkischvrenkeschvrenksch (法语)中古高地德语 frenkischfrensch “法兰克的,法兰西的”;> 德语 fränkisch (法兰克尼亚)丹麦语 fransk (法语)瑞典语 franskfransysk (法语)冰岛语 franska (法语)同源。

用作粗俗语言的义项,其通常指早期19世纪上层阶级实际使用的法语表达 (但通常轻微无礼),后来被下层阶级用作骂人的话,因为他们认为听者不会熟悉这些用语。

用来指苦艾酒的义项,是French vermouth的简称。


  • (en英国美国) 英语发音frĕnch国际音标(帮助)/fɹɛnt͡ʃ/, /fɹɛnʃ/
  • 音频 (美国)(档案)
  • 韵部:-ɛntʃ


French (可数 不可数,复数 Frenches)

  1. (主要用于不可数) 法语
    She speaks French.
    • c. 1390, Robert Grosseteste, translating Chateau d'Amour as The Castle of Love, ll. 25 ff.:
      Ne mowe we alle Latin wite...
      Ne French...
    • 1533, Thomas More, The Debellacyon of Salem & Bizance, fol. 96:
      I... wolde also be bolde in such french as is peculiare to the lawys of this realme, to leue it wyth them in wrytynge to.
    • 1720, Daniel Defoe, Memoirs of a Cavalier,页号 13:
      I could speak but little French.
    • 1991, Michael Clyne, Pluricentric Languages: Differing Norms in Different Nations, Walter de Gruyter, →ISBN,页号 169:
      Thus, complementary to the French of France, the Quebecois (and in a lesser degree the Frenches of Africa, Swiss French, etc.) would constitute languages in their own right.
    • 1997, Albert Valdman, French and Creole in Louisiana,页号 29:
      Almost three quarters of the population 65 and older reported speaking French.
    • 2004, Jack Flam, Matisse and Picasso: The Story of Their Rivalry and Friendship,页号 18:
      Although he would spend the rest of his life in France, Picasso never mastered the language, and during those early years he was especially self-conscious about how bad his French was.
    • 2013, Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Language and Culture in Medieval Britain: The French of England, C.1100-c.1500, Boydell & Brewer Ltd, →ISBN,页号 361:
      The Frenches of England remain as working languages in the different registers of various occupational communities and for particular social rituals. Beyond the fifteenth century, French is a much less substantial presence in England, though []
  2. (不可数) 法语交流能力
    My French is a little rusty.
    • 1742 April 4, R. West, letter to Thomas Gray:
      [Racine's] language is the language of the times, and that of the purest sort; so that his French is reckoned a standard.
  3. (不可数) 作为学科的法国语言文学
    I'm taking French next semester.
  4. (不可数委婉现常ironic) 粗俗语言
    Pardon my French.
    • 1845, Edward Jerningham Wakefield, Adventure in New Zealand, 卷 I,页号 327:
      The enraged headsman spares no 'bad French' in explaining his motives.
    • 1986, John Hughes, Ferris Bueller's Day Off':
      Cameron: Pardon my French, but you're an asshole!
    • 2005 5月 29, New York Times Book Review,页号 12:
      The book... is a welcome change from theory-infected academic discourse, pardon my French.
  5. (可数) 姓氏
    Dawn French.




French (可数 不可数,复数 French Frenches)

  1. (主要用于集合名词和以复数形式) 法国人
    The Hundred Years' War was fought between the English and the French.
    Under the Fourth Republic, more and more French unionized.
    • 1579, Francesco Guicciardini as, 译者 Geoffrey Fenton, The Historie of Guicciardin,页号 378:
      [] to breake the necke of the wicked purposes & plots of the French []
    • 1653, François Rabelais, 译者 Thomas Urquhart, Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, 卷 I,页号 214:
      Such is the nature and complexion of the frenches, that they are worth nothing, but at the first push.
    • 2002, Jeremy Thornton, The French and Indian War,页号 14:
      On the way, scouts reported that some French were heading toward them across the ice.
  2. (不可数过时俚语) oral sex (口交)之同义词(尤指嗦吮阴茎)
    • 1916, Henry Nathaniel Cary, The Slang of Venery and Its Analogues[1], 卷 I,页号 94:
      French--[sic] to do the French--Cocksucking; and, inversely, to tongue a woman.
    • 1968, Bill Turner, Sex Trap,页号 64:
      You can be whipped or caned... or you can have French for another pound.
    • 1986 5月 6, Semper Floreat,页号 34:
      Always use condoms with Greek (anal intercourse), straight sex (vaginal intercourse, fucking), French (oral sex).
    • 1996 10月 13, Observer,页号 25:
      French’—still used by prostitutes as a term for oral sex.
  3. (主要用于不可数过时俚语) French vermouth的缩略形式
    • 1930, Ethel Mannin, Confessions & Impressions,页号 177:
      Tearle replied that gin-and-French and virginian cigarettes would do for him.
    • 1967, Michael Francis Gilbert, The Dust & the Heat,页号 14:
      He was drinking double gins with single Frenches in them.






French (比较级 more French最高级 most French)

  1. 法国
    the French border with Italy
    • 2015 5月 3, “Standardized Testing”, 出自 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, 季数 2, 集数 12, John Oliver(演员), 经由 HBO:
      That must have hurt, especially because you knew the French children weren’t even trying. “Uh, go on, play weez your seellee nambeurs. Zey tell you nosseeng of ze true naytcheur of ze soula. I’ll weepa for you.”
  2. 与法国人民文化有关的
    French customs
  3. 法语的
    French verbs
  4. (俚语性欲)口交有关的
    同类词: straight
    French active被口交的
    French girl提供口交的妓女
  5. (非正式委婉) 用于构成性病的名称或指代
    French disease
    French crown性病造成的脱发
    French pox梅毒 (字面意思是“法国痘,法国疹”)





French (第三人称单数简单现在时 Frenches,现在分词 Frenching,一般过去时及过去分词 Frenched)

  1. french的大小写替代形式
    • 1995, Jack Womack, Random Acts of Senseless Violence,页号 87:
      Even before I thought about what I was doing we Frenched and kissed with tongues.



