in flagrante delicto





借自中世紀拉丁語 in flagrante delicto (字面意思是当犯罪正在燃烧时),源自in + flāgrō (燃烧) + dēlictōdēlictum (犯罪,不当行为)的变格形式。



in flagrante delicto (不可比)

  1. 当场,以现行犯 在某人犯罪时当场
    • 1908, Baroness Orczy, 章號 V, 出自 The Old Man in the Corner[1]:
      He would be caught in flagrante delicto, and, with a heavy sentence hovering over him, he would probably be induced to name his accomplice.
  2. 当场 在某人正在性交时当场
    • 1985, Jonathan Lynn, Clue, 角色 Colonel Mustard(Martin Mull):
      We've already established that you were one of Miss Scarlet's clients. That's why you were so desperate to get your hands on those negatives. Photographs of you and Yvette in flagrante delicto, remember?
    • 2002, Adriana Hunter, The Sexual Life of Catherine M., translationCatherine Millet所著的La Vie Sexuelle de Catherine M.頁號 146:
      I would add to that the fact that, if we are happy to be caught in flagrante delicto in a picturesque setting, there would be something almost humiliating about being caught somewhere as ugly as that.
    • 2015 2月 8, Naomi Schaefer Riley, “Columbia mattress rape case is not justice — it’s shaming without proof”, 出自 New York Post[2]:
      When his housemates, two men and a woman, found them in flagrante delicto, one reported, “She said she didn’t want us to think of her as ‘that girl.’ ”


亦作缩略形式in flagrante,其尤用于与性交有关时,如“to be caught in flagrante”.


