



A gnarly (sense 1) barn door in the village of Silkstone in South Yorkshire, England, UK


gnarl (木结) +‎ -y。俚语义在20世纪70年代在美国冲浪文化的影响下普及开来。[1]



gnarly (比較級 gnarlier最高級 gnarliest)

  1. 的,多木结
  2. (俚語) 极佳的,很棒的,吸引人的
    • 2000 1月 16, Sunday Herald, Glasgow:
      There ain't nothing gnarlier (apparently) than slapping on some brightly coloured sunblock to ward off the blinding spectre of dangerous, snow-reflected sunlight.
  3. (俚語美國) 危险的,困难
    a gnarly problem
    • 1977 March, Surfer:
      When the swell struck, the North Shore got gnarly, and the wise ones hit the outer islands where the energy was just as juicy but a bit more organized.
    • 2008, [Avram] Joel Spolsky, More Joel on Software: Further Thoughts on Diverse and Occasionally Related Matters that will Prove of Interest to Software Developers, Designers, and Managers, and to Those who, whether by Good Fortune or Ill Luck, Work with Them in Some Capacity, Berkeley, Calif.: Apress, →ISBN頁號 152:
      Work that makes you unhappy is what I mean by "a gnarly problem." The trouble is, the market pays for solutions to gnarly problems, not solutions to easy problems. As the Yorkshire lads say, "Where there's muck, there's brass."
  4. (俚語美國) 差劲的,讨厌的,难看
    1. (俚語美國) 刺耳的,难听
      • 1986 10月 12, Los Angeles Times:
        [She] displays the same love of gnarly fuzztones and shout-it-out-loud choruses that began back in her daze[sic] with local all-girl rockers the Runaways.


该词有两个互相矛盾的义项。它的词义因使用人群和上下文而不同,且可能由用词外的因素决定,比如语调。“很棒的”一意尤其与冲浪文化有联系,甚至到有点老套的程度,比如“gnarly wave, dude!”。



  1. Douglas Harper (2001–2024), “gnarly”, 在线词源词典》(Online Etymology Dictionary