
dance with the one that brought you




dance with the one that brought you的其他形式


dance with the one that brought you

  1. (主要用於美國加拿大) 對一直支持你、關注你或幫助你的人要體貼忠誠。字面意思為“與帶你來的人共舞”。
    • 1986, Cooperative Farmer, Vols 42-43, p. 77. (Google snippet view):
      "I have had people say, ‘Oh, the landscaping business is doing OK. So, you're going to get out of tobacco farming.’ No! I would like to see my landscaping business grow. But, without the cash flow from the farm, I would not have been able to start the landscaping operation," the Bunn, N.C., farmer stresses. "As they say, you dance with the one that brought you."
      “有人對我說,‘哦,景觀設計業務做得不錯。所以,你要退出煙草種植業了。’不! 我希望看到我的景觀設計業務增長。但是,如果沒有農場的現金流,我就無法開始景觀設計業務,”這位北卡羅來納州布恩鎮的農民強調說。 “正如他們所說,你要與帶你來的人共舞。”
    • 2000-10-18, Thomas Boswell, "Unlike the Boss, Torre Recognizes the Right Stuff," Washington Post:
      Sometimes you have to dance with the one that brought you. And, ever since he won a crucial Game Four in Cleveland on 16 days rest in the 1998 ALCS, Torre has trusted Hernandez more than any of his starters.
    • 2014-02-17, John E. Sununu, "Keeping Obama at arm’s length," Boston Globe:
      Obama’s approval ratings have fallen below 40 percent. “Dance with the one that brought you,” the saying goes, but when you are a Senate Democrat stuck with the wrong prom date, there’s only one thing to do: hide in the bathroom.
    • 2016-04-30, James Allan, "Leaving the dance with the one who brought you," Spectator (UK):
      I mention this Canadian Conservative Prime Minister because he coined the political adage ‘you dance with the one that brought you’. In less colourful terms Mulroney meant that a Prime Minister should ‘never, ever ignore his party’s base’.
      我提到這位加拿大保守黨總理,是因為他創造了這句政治諺語:“你要與帶來你的人共舞”。用不太花哨的語言來說,馬爾羅尼的意思是,一個總理應該 “永遠、永遠不要忽視他所在政黨的基礎”。


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