




維基百科 en


co- + haereō 演變為拉丁語 cohaērēns,再演變為中古法語 coherent,再演變而來。字面分析等同於 cohere +‎ -ent



coherent (比較級 more coherent最高級 most coherent)

  1. 統一的、有調理的、連貫的、前後一致
    • Template:RQ:Chesterton Orthodoxy
    • 1997年, 伯納德·巴爾斯, “Psychology in a World of Sentient, Self-Knowing Beings: A Modest Utopian Fantasy”, 出自 羅伯特·索爾索 編, Mind and Brain Sciences in the 21st Century, 麻省理工學院出版社, 出版於 1999年, →ISBN頁號 7:
      A sentence like this one cannot be understood unless somehow we can store the underlined words for several seconds, while we wait for the rest of the sentence to arrive, with the information needed to complete a coherent thought.
    • 2005年, 湯姆威廉森, Sandlands: The Suffolk Coast and Heaths, Windgather, 出版於 2005 年, →ISBN,頁號 15:
      Anglia, is part of a wider phenomenon of the seventh century - the development of recognisable, coherent kingdoms from the fragmented tribal society which emerged from the ruins of Roman Britain.
    • 2011, 克萊爾·克萊因·達特諾, Behind the Walled Garden of Apartheid: Growing Up White in Segregated South Africa, Media Mint Publishing, 出版於 2011年, →ISBN頁號 124:
      She intimidated me so much that I could hardly get out a coherent sentence in her presence.
  2. 調理清晰的、有邏輯的、一致
    • Template:RQ:Doyle Return of Sherlock Holmes
    • 2007年, 肯尼斯·R·哈蒙德, Beyond Rationality: The Search for Wisdom in a Troubled Time, 牛津大學出版社, 出版於 2007年, →ISBN頁號 108:
      Perhaps Khrushchev did have a coherent plan in mind at the time he placed the nuclear missiles in Cuba.
    • 2009年, 約翰·波金霍爾、尼古拉斯·畢爾, Questions of Truth: Fifty-One Responses to Questions about God, Science, and Belief, 威斯敏斯特約翰·諾克斯出版社, 出版於 2009年, →ISBN頁號 23:
      It will dissolve at death with the decay of the body, but it is a perfectly coherent belief that the faithful God will not allow it to be lost but will preserve it in the divine memory.
    • 2009年, 嘉莉·溫斯坦麗, Writing a Dissertation For Dummies[1], 約翰威立, 出版於 2009年, →ISBN:
      Presenting a balanced and coherent argument is an important aspect of a nonempirical dissertation and you need to spend some time considering the most useful route through your argument.
    • 2020 12月 2, 克里斯汀·沃爾瑪, “Wales offers us a glimpse of an integrated transport policy”, 出自 《鐵路》,頁號 56:
      The underlying problem with transport policy is that there no coherent strategy. Ministers have tended to encourage greater use of motor vehicles through both transport and (particularly) planning policies, while simultaneously warning of the terrible consequences of unfettered growth of road use.
      交通政策的潛在問題在於缺乏一個連貫的策略。部長傾向於同時通過交通政策和 (尤其是) 規劃政策來鼓勵更多地使用機動車輛,同時又警告道路使用無節制增長的可怕後果。
  3. 整齊而美觀
  4. 各部分相互協調、自然得當的
    a coherent design協調的設計
  5. (物理學植物學拓撲學代數)相干性的 (波)、有同調性的 (波)
  6. (植物學拓撲學代數) 合生
  7. (數學層論)凝聚性的 (層)、凝聚的 (層)
  8. (拓撲學) 相干
  9. (代數) 相干的 (模組、環)


