


There are a few things that I would like to point out for inspection. I am an English-French bilingual so I have a good idea what I'm talking about, although I speak a dialect of French different from standard French in many aspects. My comments are in English because my written Chinese is not fluent enough for this.

First, I have never seen "il y a" used as in sense 3. That is to say, a sense of existence is implied but a location is left unspecified. It would seem to me that "有" alone suffices. Next, the translation section is non-sense. "Il" translates to "he" in English and outside of religious references I can't think of any other word it would regularly translate to. The Chinese translation should be matched accordingly. Finally, I would not initially have thought of "le" as a related word. Perhaps it was intended to be "lui"? The only connection I could see is that "le"/"la"/"les" are to "ça" as "lui"/"leur" are to "il"/"elle".