
模組:Category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/gl


This module handles generating the descriptions and categorization for 加利西亞語 category pages of the format "加利西亞語 LABEL" where LABEL can be any text. Examples are Category:Bulgarian conjugation 2.1 verbs and Category:Russian velar-stem neuter-form nouns. 該模块是 poscatboiler 系統的一部分,該系統是用於生成分類頁面的描述和分類的通用框架。

有關更多資訊,請參閱Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/doc

注意:如果您新增了特定語言的模块,請將語言代碼新增至 Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific 頂部的清單中,使程式碼能識別該模块。

local labels = {}

--                                                                         --
--                                  VERBS                                  --
--                                                                         --

local conjugations = {
	["ar"] = "{{{langname}}} first conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin first conjugation verbs|first conjugation (-āre) verbs]].",
	["er"] = "{{{langname}}} second conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin second conjugation verbs|second conjugation (-ēre)]] or [[:Category:Latin third conjugation verbs|third conjugation (-ere)]] verbs.",
	["ir"] = "{{{langname}}} third conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin third conjugation verbs|third conjugation (-ere)]] or [[:Category:Latin fourth conjugation verbs|fourth conjugation (-īre)]] verbs.",
	["or"] = "{{{langname}}} verbs ending in {{m|gl||-or}}, {{m|gl||-ór}} or {{m|gl||-ôr}}, all of which are derivatives of {{m|gl|pór}} ({{m|gl|pôr}} in reintegrationist spelling).",

labels["依變位分類的動詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by conjugation.",
	parents = {"依屈折分類的動詞"},

for conj, conjdesc in pairs(conjugations) do
	labels["以-" .. conj .. "結尾的動詞"] = {
		description = conjdesc,
		displaytitle = "以 {{m|gl||-" .. conj .. "}} 結尾的{{{langname}}}動詞",
		parents = {
			{name = "依變位分類的動詞", sort = conj},
		breadcrumb = "{{m|gl||-" .. conj .. "}}",

labels["依元音交替分類的動詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by type of vowel alternation.",
	parents = {"依屈折分類的動詞"},

labels["依輔音交替分類的動詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by type of consonant alternation.",
	parents = {"依屈折分類的動詞"},

-- Add labels for e.g. [[Category:Galician verbs with e becoming i when stressed]].
local vowel_alternations = {
	["現在時單數帶i-e交替"] = {
		desc = "with <i> in the first-person singular present indicative, throughout the present subjunctive and in the "
			.. "singular imperative, and <e> elsewhere when the stem is stressed",
		displaytitle = "現在時單數帶 <i-e> 交替",
	["重讀時e變為i"] = {
		desc = "with <i> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative and imperative, third-person "
			.. "plural present indicative and imperative) and throughout the present subjunctive, and <e> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "重讀時 <e> 變為 <i>",
	["重讀時e變為ei"] = {
		desc = "with <ei> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative and imperative, third-person "
			.. "plural present indicative and imperative) and throughout the present subjunctive, and <e> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "重讀時 <e> 變為 <ei>",
	["重讀時i變為ei"] = {
		desc = "with <ei> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative and imperative, third-person "
			.. "plural present indicative and imperative) and throughout the present subjunctive, and <i> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "重讀時 <i> 變為 <ei>",
	["重讀時i變為í"] = {
		desc = "with <í> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative, subjunctive and imperative; "
			.. "third-person plural present indicative, subjunctive and imperative) and <i> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "重讀時 <i> 變為 <í>",
	["現在時單數帶u-o交替"] = {
		desc = "with <u> in the first-person singular present indicative, throughout the present subjunctive and in the "
			.. "singular imperative, and <o> elsewhere when the stem is stressed",
		displaytitle = "現在時單數帶 <u-o> 交替",
	["重讀時o變為u"] = {
		desc = "with <u> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative and imperative, third-person "
			.. "plural present indicative and imperative) and throughout the present subjunctive, and <o> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "重讀時 <o> 變為 <u>",
	["重讀時u變為ú"] = {
		desc = "with <ú> in all forms where the stem is stressed (singular present indicative, subjunctive and imperative; "
			.. "third-person plural present indicative, subjunctive and imperative) and <u> elsewhere",
		displaytitle = "重讀時 <u> 變為 <ú>",

for alt, obj in pairs(vowel_alternations) do
	local function replace_angle_brackets(spec)
		local retval = spec:gsub("<(.-)>", "{{m|gl||%1}}") -- discard second return value
		return retval
	local breadcrumb = replace_angle_brackets(obj.displaytitle)
	labels[alt .. "的動詞"] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} verbs " .. replace_angle_brackets(obj.desc) .. ".",
		displaytitle = breadcrumb .. " 的{{{langname}}}動詞",
		parents = {{name = "依元音交替分類的動詞", sort = alt}},
		breadcrumb = breadcrumb,

-- Add labels for e.g. [[Category:Galician verbs with c-qu alternation]].
local consonant_alternations = {
	["c-qu"] = {"qu", "c"},
	["c-ç"] = {"c", "ç"},
	["c-z"] = {"c", "z"},
	["g-gu"] = {"gu", "g"},
	["g-j"] = {"g", "j"},
	["gu-gü"] = {"gü", "gu"},

for alt, frontback in pairs(consonant_alternations) do
	local desc
	local front, back = unpack(frontback)
	desc = "{{{langname}}} verbs whose final consonant alternates between ''" .. front .. "'' before front vowels (''e'', ''i'') " ..
		"and ''" .. back .. "'' before back vowels (''a'', ''o'', ''u'')."
	labels["帶" .. alt .. "交替的動詞"] = {
		description = desc,
		displaytitle = "帶 {{m|gl||" .. alt .. "}} 交替的{{{langname}}}動詞",
		parents = {{name = "依輔音交替分類的動詞", sort = alt}},
		breadcrumb = "{{m|gl||" .. alt .. "}}",

labels["僅第三人稱動詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs with forms that exist only in the third person, and have no imperatives.",
	parents = {{name = "不完全變化動詞"}},
	breadcrumb = "僅第三人稱",

labels["帶不規則短過去分詞的動詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs with an irregular short past participle (typically used with {{m|gl|ser}} "
		.. "and {{m|gl|estar}}) that contrasts with a regularly formed \"long\" past participle (typically used with "
		.. "{{m|gl|ter}} and {{m|gl|haber}}).",
	parents = {{name = "不規則動詞", sort = "short past participle"}},
	breadcrumb = "不規則短過去分詞",

return {LABELS = labels}