








  1. 该词的语言(二级标题)、
  2. 该词的词类(三级标题)、
  3. 该词本身(使用正确的标题模板)、
  4. 该词的定义(前面有“#”,使释义自动编号)、
  5. 定义中关键词的连结、
  6. 参考文献(三级标题),以及
  7. 可以找到该词的来源。




# 供人[[睡臥]]的[[家具]]

* 教育部《重編國語辭典修訂本》
* 《現代漢語詞典》第7版








* 漢語族諸語言的音標、音檔等
# 詞義1
#* 引文
# 詞義2
#* 引文

* 音標
* 任何相關方言的音檔
* 韻部
* 同音詞
* 斷字
# 詞義1(以漢語解釋)
#* 引文
#** 引文的漢語翻譯
# 詞義2(以漢語解釋)
#* 引文
#** 引文的漢語翻譯
# 詞義1(以漢語解釋)
#* 引文
#** 引文的漢語翻譯




  • 其他写法
  • 描述
  • 字源
  • 词源
  • 发音



  • 用法说明
  • 重构说明
  • 屈折、变位或活用
  • 辅音变化
  • 引文(当引文不是在特定词义下给出时)
  • 其他形式
  • 其他重构形式
  • 近义词
  • 反义词
  • 上位词
  • 下位词
  • 局部关系词
  • 整体词
  • 方式词
  • 同类词汇
  • 派生词汇
  • 相关词汇
  • 搭配词
  • 派生语汇
  • 翻译
  • 附记、杂项
  • 参见
  • 参考资料
  • 延伸阅读
  • 异序词




对于区分大小写的语言,条目名称通常以小写字母开头。例如,英语名词和动词 work 应以小写开头(而非以大写开头的 Work)。行文中以大写字母开头的单词除外,典型的例子包括专有名词(Paris, Neptune)、德语名词(Brot, Straße)和许多缩写词(PC, DIY)。如果用户尝试访问大小写不正确的条目,软体会尝试自动将其重新导向到正确的页面。

对于大多数语言中的词缀和其他词素,字符“-”应放在词素和其他词连结的地方,如前缀 pre-、后缀 -ation、中缀或间缀 -a- 等等。

有些页面标题由于软件的限制无法创建,通常是因为它们包含某些符号(#|)或者太长。这些条目的完整列表在Appendix:不支援的页面名称中。它们统一使用“不支援的页面名称/……”的格式命名,同时使用 JavaScript 使其像正常条目一样显示正确的标题。

关于配对符号(如 ( )* *),请见:en:Wiktionary:Matched-pair entries § Entry name

关于手语的条目名称,请见:en:Wiktionary:About sign languages § Entry name


当存在多个大写字母、标点符号、变音符号、连字、文字以及与数字和其他符号的组合时(如 panPanpan-パン (pan)),在页面顶部使用模板 {{also}} 使词条间交叉连结:{{also|Pan|PAN|pan-|Pan-}}。有不同变体的多音节汉字词亦可使用,如{{also|證據|証據|証拠|证据}}。当变体太多时,将它们放在单独的附录页面中,如Appendix:"pan"的变体[1]


  • 每个条目都有一个或多个二级语言章节。例如,在英语、西班牙语和瑞典语中词形相同而含义不同的 beta 收录在同一页。
  • 对于具有多个名称的语言,将选择一个作为维基词典中使用的规范名称。更多资讯请见维基词典:语言
  • 语言章节的顺序如下:
    • 跨语言:该词在所有语言中保持相同的写法,如 Homo sapiens (智人的学名)He (氦的化学符号)km (公里,长度单位)
    • 汉语:这是汉语词典。
    • 其他语言:实务上多以该语言在英语维基词典的名称依字母排序;亦可以使用ISO 639语言代码排序。
  • 语言章节之间曾以水平线分隔,但此格式已不再使用。


词类是描述该词性质的术语,如“名词”或“形容词”。每个条目都有一个或多个词类章节。每个章节中,都有一个标题行(headword line),后面是定义本身。


  • 词类:形容词、副词、冠词、框式介词、分类词、连词、缩略语、量词、限定词、拟态词、感叹词、名词、数词、分词、助词、后置词、介词、代词、专有名词、动词
  • 词素:环缀、组合形式、中缀、间缀、前缀、词根、后缀
  • 字符:变音符号、字母、连字、数字、标点符号、音节、符号
  • 短语:短语、谚语、成语
  • 汉字
  • 罗马化
  • 语素文字

可以提议将其他标题作为列表的新添加项。 使用非标准词类标题可能会导致条目被归入待清理分类。


  • 缩写、首字母缩略词
  • 词类 + 变格形(如名词变格形、形容词变格形、副词变格形等)、动词变位形式
  • 词类 + 短语(如名词短语、动词短语等,介词短语除外)
  • 定语 + 词类(如及物动词、人称代词等,专有名词除外)
  • 词类 + 数字(如名词1、名词2等)
  • 基数词、序数词(请注意,像 first 这样的序数被归类为形容词,但使用模板放入分类Category:英语序数词中,而像 seven eighths 这样的分数则是名词,并被加入分类Category:英语分数词中)
  • 附着语素、动名词、俗语


标题行是词类标题正下方的行,作用为重复单词;如果该语言使用拉丁字母以外的文字,标题行中可能有该词的罗马化。您可以使用通用模板 {{head}} 或特定于语言的模板,例如用于英语名词的 {{en-noun}}。在某些语言中,标题行还会提供其他资讯,如性别和屈折形式。




缩写、首字母缩略词(如PCSNAFU),其释义一般使用连结至其完整形式的模板。比如词条PC中的一个义项可能是“personal computer的首字母缩略词”。完整词形切勿使用大写形式,除非其通常确实是这么写的(比如上一例不要写成Personal Computer)。维基词典中收录有或者应收录有完整形式的就应该连结到该词条。否则若有对应的维基百科条目,则连结至该条目。若合适的话还可以给其添加注释。



wiki文本 效果
# {{lb|en|非正式}} 线人;告密者 # (非正式) 线人;告密者




  • 句子本身语法完整,以大写字母开头(仅适用于区分大小写的语言),并以句号、问号或感叹号结尾。
  • 句子应置于该词义的解释之后,并在和该词义相关的任何引文之前。
  • 使用斜体(仅适用于使用拉丁字母的语言),并以粗体标注欲解释的词
  • 尽可能简短的同时,仍能阐明术语的含义。(在极少数情况下,由两个简短句子组成的示例可能效果最好。)
  • 行首使用“#: ”缩排。
  • 对于非拉丁字母的语言,应在下面的行中给出其转写,行首使用“#::”缩排。
  • 对于汉语以外的语言,应在例句下方(或转写下方)提供译文,使用“#::”缩排,并将欲解释的词的对应译文加粗
  • 不包含站内连结(这些词应该容易理解,无需额外查找)。


  1. 将欲解释的词置于可能出现的上下文中,解决正式程度、方言用法等问题。
  2. 提供值得注意的搭配用法,特别是非惯用语的情况。
  3. 选择示例本身含义清楚的场景
  4. 在定义模糊的情况下说明术语的含义。
  5. 对各种语法框架举例说明,特别是那些可能不明显的语法框架(如依赖于介词的搭配)。





The “Description” section is placed in entries for symbols, containing a visual description of the current symbol.

Section contents:

  1. The visual description should be as short as possible. Just using the name from the Unicode codepoint should usually be enough for the character description.
    • The entry (Unicode name: HOURGLASS) may be described as “An hourglass.”
  2. When the Unicode codepoint name does not tell anything about the character shape, a short shape description may be added in one’s own words.
  3. Major rendering variations may be mentioned.
    • The entry 🏦 (Unicode name: BANK) may mention: “This is sometimes rendered as a bank emoji, or just the written word ‘bank’.”[2]


语言标题下方的第一个标题通常是三级标题“词源”。该词的词源应置于标题正下方,不使用缩排。词源章节说明此词的来源,如该词源于其他语言中的某个形式云云。 对于许多现代词汇,可能提及是谁创造了这个词。如果一个词是按照一定的规则从同语言的另一个词派生而来的,例如英语中形容词加上 -ly 形成英语副词,则无需在派生词的页面上重复该词来源的完整细节。

有时具有不同词源的两个单词因为拼写相同而被列于同一个条目(即“同形异义词”)。在这种情况下应使用多个带编号的“词源”标题。 例如像英语 lead 这样的词,基本的标题框架如下所示:





  • 如果该词的发音存在区域差异,则将区域别或口音别({{a|GA}}{{a|RP}}{{a|奧地利}} 等)置于第一个位置,然后是转写系统的名称,然后是冒号,最后是转写内容。应尽量已建立的转录系统,例如 enPRIPA。标记音位时(宽式标音)通常以两斜线夹注(如 [kʰäɾ]),而标记语音时(严式标音)则以方括号夹注(如 /kɑɹ/)。
  • 如果要加入音讯,请将 Ogg 档案上传到维基共享资源,并使用 {{audio}} 或类似模板引用该档案。
  • 韵部列在“Rhymes”命名空间中。请不要在条目中列出押韵的词,而应使用 {{rhymes}} 添加指向对应韵部页面的连结。有关其使用说明请参阅该模板。
  • 使用模板 {{hyphenation}} 列出该词的断字。
  • 同音词是同一语言中具有相同发音的单词。请勿添加读音相近但不完全同音的词或押韵词(例如在页面 right 中,不应添加 whitelight)、因发音错误而成为同音词的单词(例如,在页面 miss 中,不应添加 myth)以及来自其他语言的单词。使用 {{homophones}} 模板按字母顺序列出同音词。如果某个词在某一方言中是同音词,只要标明该方言就可以添加(例如,对于把词中齿龈塞音读成闪音的英语方言,latterladder 是同音词;而对于不把元音后r音读出的英语口音,fartherfather 是同音词)。

典型的发音章节可能类似于以下的示例(基于英语单词 symbol):

* {{IPA|en|/ˈsɪmbəl/}}
* {{audio|en|en-us-symbol.ogg|音頻(美國)}}
* {{rhymes|en|ɪmbəl}}
* {{hyphenation|en|sym|bol}}
* {{homophones|en|cymbal}}

有多种重音形的示例(见条目 portmanteau):

* {{a|RP}} {{IPA|en|/pɔːtˈmæn.təʊ/}}
* {{a|US}} {{enPR|pôrtmă'ntō}}, {{IPA|en|/pɔɹtˈmæntoʊ/}}; {{enPR|pô'rtmăntōʹ}}, {{IPA|en|/ˌpɔɹtmænˈtoʊ/}}
  • Module:Parameters第95行Lua错误:Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "RP" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. 国际音标(帮助)/pɔːtˈmæn.təʊ/
  • Module:Parameters第95行Lua错误:Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "US" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. 英语发音pôrtmă'ntō, 国际音标(帮助)/pɔɹtˈmæntoʊ/; 英语发音pô'rtmăntōʹ, 国际音标(帮助)/ˌpɔɹtmænˈtoʊ/

同音词取决于方言差异的示例(分别见于条目 ladderfather):

* {{homophones|en|latter}} {{qualifier|讀成閃音的口音}}
* {{homophones|en|farther}} {{qualifier|讀成非R音的口音}}


  • These notes should not take the place of context labels when those are adequate for the job.
  • Describe how a term is used, rather than trying to dictate how it should be used from your point of view.
  • Curb the tendency to be long-winded in this section; brief explicit notes tend to be more effective.
  • When mentioning entries in running text, use the {{m}} template, which italicizes entries written in Latin script.
  • Be prepared to document these notes with references.[3]



  • 1561,Flat Footed(译者),Platypus(作者),Odes,第3章第12行:
    The hrunk it hrunketh every day.


This is a list of words that have similar meanings as the word being defined. They are often very inexact.

Where several definitions of the headword[4] exist, synonyms can be given in a separate list for each meaning:

  1. Summarise the definition for which synonyms are being given with {{sense}}.
  2. List the synonyms for this definition, in alphabetical order and separated by commas, wikifying each synonym using {{l}}.[5]
  3. Use one line for each definition, beginning each line with a bullet.

The synonyms section for apogee might look like this:

* {{sense|point in an orbit}} {{l|en|apocenter}}, {{l|en|apoapsis}}, {{l|en|apsis}}
* {{sense|highest point}} {{l|en|acme}}, {{l|en|culmination}}, {{l|en|zenith}}

To avoid identical lengthy lists of synonyms in many entries a single reference can be made in each to a common Thesaurus page:

* {{sense|highest point}} See also [[Thesaurus:apex]]

An alternative to listing synonyms in a separate section is their placement immediately under the corresponding definition lines with {{synonyms}}:

# The point, in an orbit about the Earth, that is furthest from the Earth.
#: {{synonyms|en|apocenter|apoapsis|apsis}}
# The highest point.
#: {{synonyms|en|acme|culmination|zenith}}

The choice between the two formats is subject to editorial discretion.




这些章节中的应使用 {{l}}(而非普通的维基连结)连结条目。


List terms in the same language that are morphological derivatives. For example, the noun driver is derived, by addition of the suffix -er, from the verb to drive. If it is not known from which part of speech a certain derivative was formed it is necessary to have a “Derived terms” header on the same level as the part of speech headings.

All links in this section use the {{l}} template rather than plain wikilinks.[5]


List words in the same language that have strong etymological connections but aren’t derived terms. Each such term should be wikified. For example, datum and data should point to each other in this section since the latter is the plural of the former, and the plural form is not obtained by morphological derivation but was taken directly from Latin (where it is a morphological derivation). Another example is the pair of nouns pendant and pennant. These should cross-reference each other as they have very similar (arguably identical) etymologies in some subsenses.


Collocations are combinations of words that occur with much higher frequency than would be expected by chance.

Collocations may either be added under the corresponding sense using {{coi}} or {{co}} (after all nyms but before all examples), or under a dedicated ====Collocations==== header, as described in Wiktionary:Collocations.




  • ONLY add translations that you are CERTAIN of. If you aren’t familiar with a language, or aren’t sure of a particular translation, it is far better not to add it than to risk adding an incorrect translation.
  • NEVER use automatic translation software to generate translations from English into a language you don’t speak. Automatic translations into English are likewise problematic. Translation software rarely gives accurate results.
  • DO NOT COPY from translating dictionaries (bilingual or multilingual) as this may constitute copyright violation. This applies to dictionaries both in print form and online. Dictionaries that are out of copyright may be used.
  • Translations should be given in English entries, and also in Translingual entries for taxonomic names. Entries for languages other than English and Translingual should not have Translations sections. Any translation between two foreign languages is best handled on the Wiktionaries in those languages.[6]
  • English inflected forms will not have translations. For example, paints will not, as it is the plural and third-person singular of paint. In such entries as have additional meanings, these additional meanings should have translations. For example, the noun building should have translations, but the present participle of build will not.[7]
  • The translation section is separated into a number of divisions that are keyed to the various meanings of the English word. Each division is separated into a distinct collapsible navigation box by use of the translation section templates (see below for example.) The boxes are each headed by a summary of the translated meaning.
  • Within each box, the languages for which translations exist are listed by their English names in alphabetical order. The language name is preceded by a bullet (generated by *) followed by a colon and the translations into that language. The collapsible navigation box is obtained by adding the {{trans-top}} template just before the first language and {{trans-bottom}} at the line after the last translation.[8]
  • Use the {{t}} template for each translation.[9] This will create a link to that word in this Wiktionary and a small link to the Wiktionary for that language.[10][11][12][13] References for the translation should be on that other page rather than in the translation list. If you think {{t}} is too complex, simply enclose the translation in square brackets.
  • Translations not in the Latin script should display a transliteration according to that language’s transliteration policy, unless the policy states otherwise.[14]
  • Provide the grammatical gender of the translations of nouns, if appropriate, giving parameters such as m, f, n and c for “masculine”, “feminine”, “neuter” and “common” respectively to {{t}}.
  • Do not add the pronunciation of the translation or detailed grammatical information: such information should be provided on the page for the translation itself.
  • Ensure that multiple translations are given in full. For example, for the German for “ankle”, which is Knöchel or Fußknöchel, write:
rather than just combining the two as “(Fuß-) Knöchel” or similar, which is liable to be misunderstood.
  • Do not give literal (word-for-word) translations of idioms, unless the literal translation is what is actually used in the target language. Most idioms do not translate word for word. For example, the idiom “none of your beeswax” cannot be translated into German literally as “nicht dein Bienenwachs”, as this does not have the same meaning in German; an idiomatic translation is “nicht dein Bier” (which means, literally, “not your beer” in English).
  • Do not give translations back into English of idiomatic translations. For example, when translating “bell bottoms” into French as “pattes d’éléphant”, do not follow this with the literal translation back into English of “elephant’s feet”. While this sort of information is undoubtedly interesting, it belongs in the entry for the translation itself.

Here is an example (a shortened version of the entry for orange) illustrating some of the conventions:[16]


# The [[fruit]] of the [[orange tree]].
# The [[reddish]]-[[yellow]] [[colour]] of an orange.

{{trans-top|fruit of the orange tree}}
* French: {{t|fr|orange|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Apfelsine|f}}, {{t|de|Orange|f}}
* Japanese: {{t|ja|オレンジ|tr=orenji}}
* Russian: {{t|ru|апельси́н|m}}
* Serbo-Croatian:
*: Cyrillic: {{t|sh|наранџа|f|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|sh|поморанџа|f|sc=Cyrl}}
*: Roman: {{t|sh|narandža|f}}, {{t|sh|pomorandža|f}}

{{trans-top|colour of an orange}}
* German: {{t|de|Orange|n}}
* Hebrew: {{t|he|כתום|m|tr=katóm|alt=כתום \ כָּתֹם}}
* Latvian: {{t|lt|oranžs|m}}
  • When a translation in the target language is not a lemma form, use alt parameter to display the translation but use lemma-forms as the page name, e.g. the Russian translation of asleep links to the Russian verb спать (spatʹ, to sleep) but displays спя́щий (spjáščij, 字面意思是sleeping), which is an equivalent of asleep.
* 俄語:{{t+|ru|спать|alt=спя́щий}}
  • 当目标语言中没有相对应的单个单词时,使用{{t}}并为每个单词嵌入连结。例如生计的俄语翻译:
* 俄語:{{t|ru|[[средство|сре́дства]] [[к]] [[существование|существова́нию]]|n-p}}







“参考资料”、“参考文献”或“来源”章节包含了参考文献,使用者可以借此验证条目中的资讯,因而提高了维基词典的可靠性和实用性。特别鼓励引用词源中不寻常或有争议的主张(例如 Windhover 的词源)或使用说明。当词源、使用说明等章节中有不寻常或有争议的主张时,特别应当引用参考资料。

  • 参考文献可以用正常的书目格式给出,当中包括作者、标题、出版地点、出版商和出版年份。
  • 如果一个来源被多次引用,可以将其做成参考模板



  • 本章节仅可用于连结到线上或印刷版的外部词典和百科全书(例如维基百科或1911年大英百科全书)。
  • 本章节并非用于证明条目所述内容的正确性(这类文献应置于“参考资料”章节)。




* {{anagrams|en|OTPs|POTS|PTOs|Spot|opts|pots|spot|stop|tops}}


  • {{anagrams|en|a=opst|OTPs|POTS|PTOs|Spot|opts|pots|spot|stop|tops}}


This is material which is edited in a regular edit box, but does not appear in the entry when it is read. In some cases where it appears depends on your user preferences, especially the skin that you have chosen.


A Wiktionary category is a group of related entries which are listed on a category page. Sub-categories may also appear on that page. Categories and lists under various names may seem very similar, but the way they are built is very different; in most cases, but especially in open-ended lists, they complement each other.

To include an entry in a category, simply add a category tag to the entry thus:

[[Category:Category name]]

The link will appear at the bottom of the page in some skins and at the top in others, regardless of where it is placed in the edit box. Category links are placed one per line at the end of the appropriate language section.[17] Putting these tags in a consistent place makes them easier to find in a longer entry’s edit field. A category link appears red if its category page has not yet been described, but categorized entries will appear there. You should edit a new category page, usually to add a brief description of the category and adding one or more tags to place it in a higher-level category.

By convention, it is preferable to use the plural for most category names that are nouns. This will avoid having a category divided in two when some use the plural and some use the singular.

Some votes are relevant to this section, without specifying text to be amended in this document, so please see them for details:





